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America is not a racist nation? Jesse, have you seen your own show?

People should just keep reminding him that the reason we have the economic success we do nowadays is because of Obama. This is the Obama economy. Trump had nothing to do with it. These are the same numbers Obama had during most of his Presidency.

He can at least come to the East Coast and rule us here. Or the West Coast. I’ll move.

FOX News is fucking dangerous. This is absolutely absurd.

O.o *barfs*

“...and we agree that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now, and presumably this dumb statement is all I need to do to make that happen because I’m certainly not doing anything else to make it stop.”

Of course the other implication is that all the other CEO’s still on that panel should be doing more important things as well.

What makes you think this country deserves that? Plus we don’t tend to like returning to places where we were threatened with being hung, and our wife and children called every synonym for nigger ever created, and constantly reminded that we were not equal.

FACT: Hitler jumped onto racist propaganda because it got him votes!

Great minds and all that:

The thing that fucks with me is that there were, at most, 6,000 people at the rally. Let’s say that for every person at the rally there were 100 more who sympathized with them, and you still don’t get to 1% of the population. Why is he catering to such a statistically insignificant group? Why are they in his

Trump’s reaction to getting called out for not condemning white supremacists is to viciously attack a black man?

I did nazi that coming.

They are a large part of the reason he IS president, and despite doing nothing in office (nothing good, anyhow), he’s already campaigning for 2020.

At some point President Obama is coming back for us, right?

But, like, you weren’t gonna do shit about prescription prices as long as he was your BFF?

Literally in the past 5 minutes this idiot commented on my Twitter feed...

And this...

The President is a white supremacist. He can condemn, in the most explicit words, virtually everything else under the sun. The reason he didn’t condemn these Nazis is because he is one. If he wanted to, he would have. He just didn’t want to.

I’ve never ridden a subway in NYC, so I don’t know how common this is. But putting your bare feet on one of those seats has to be gross right? Seems gross.