
I KNOW RIGHT THESE FUCKING PEOPLE. They go out of their way to be the worst kind of trolls and then wonder why everyone fucking hates them. It could almost be considered a brilliant kind of performance art if I thought they were capable of abstract thought.

And then those people have the gall to call me racist! It’s just not fair.

Not only that, but blaming the cops for not protecting them? Fucking laughable given the police’s actions to largely peaceful protests from antifa and BLM.

While your description is true, they said the same thing about the Brown Shirts.

People are so small minded and tolerant like that.

I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation. But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.


These guys aren’t even “real” Nazi’s. This is just a bunch of cosplay idiots trying to play at being tough. Jerkoffs trying to make their Call of Duty fantasies real.

That’s the real kicker isn’t it? They have chosen to embrace two causes that were as inhumane and beyond the pale as it gets and THAT ALSO LOST.

Well WWII was all the Jews fault, wasn’t it? /s

“...fight beside Trump in the Second American Civil War”.

We’ve now reached peak “how dare you say I’m racist? You’re the one with the problem!” with these fucking racist garbage people. Just amazing. It was blatantly ridiculous when it was people caught using the n word, sharing stereotypes and prejudices against other races, equating black people to animals- but, now we

I just really really love these guys clinging to trump. Drag the repub party in too. Strip the veneer away, I want to see the core ugly stinking mess exposed

Man, I hate it when I roll up into someone else’s town carrying universally recognized symbols of hate and chanting fascist slogans and people aren’t immediately thrilled to see me.

“Watch Kessler’s entire statement below, if you have the stomach.” 

True, she’s the equivalent, looks-wise, of a size 10 actress cast as the “fat girl” because Hollywood. But at least she’s relatable (or was to me) and she’s clearly not just there to be eye candy for a male audience.

I get what you’re saying, they absolutely tried to make her look frumpy and awkward, and yet you’ve still got a thin, blue-eyed, light-skinned woman under 40 with typically attractive features. I mean it makes sense for the role, and Alison Brie can’t help being Alison Brie, but her looks are definitely the default

I’m so glad! I had zero interest in watching this at first (I don’t give a rip about wrestling, in a general sense), but a friend of mine convinced me to watch it. I finally saw it a couple weeks ago and I LOVED it! Reasons: nostalgia, the music, the faithful recreation of 1980's wardrobes, unearthing and exposing

The Ruth character has some unlikable qualities but she’s definitely not boring like Piper. Ugh.