
Man responds aggressively to assault or insult: he’s being manly and defending himself.

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”

That that Dr. was a hack giving bad advice and didn’t understand the religio-patriarchal institutions that create the attitudes towards sex that we inherit by society.


I’ll say it: I like her.

I’m older than her and not really a fan of her music, but a really similar thing happened to me some years ago, and it’s incredibly cathartic and validating to see her standing up for herself like this. I wasn’t able to do that at the time, and I’m so glad she is.

Good on ye, girl! Don’t let that attorney push you around with his tired old rape-apologist bullshit tactics.


Yep. Almost the exact same thing happened to me, and I was totally paralyzed by it. (And I am NOT a shrinking violet, generally.)

Every single guy that does that is garbage. Whenever someone does that, I immediately assume that they themselves have assaulted or enabled assault, but they think it’s ok because x, y or z. So congratulations, my dudes in the greys! All you did was suggest that you too are sexual predators!

I’ve been reading a lot of message boards where people say she’s trying to get more fame, but they fail to realize that he was the one the filed suit and she countersued. Go Taylor!

Every time I read something about sexual assault on Deadspin (which of course is fairly common considering how athletes are gods that can do whatever they want to women but just not animals because women<animals) the comments are like 80% or more JOKES. From reading over there I’ve surmised that men either process

And it looks like she’s clearly pulling away from him. He looks so fucking smarmy and proud of himself, fuck that guy.

She probably has a reeeaaaaalllllyyyyy long ribcage. Yes, that’s it. Because she’s so tall.

For fuck’s sake, *there is a photo of him grabbing her ass*.

Same here, I am really happy and impressed she took this to trial. Many young girls look up to her and I hope this shows them that sexual assault is NOT okay and they don’t have to stay quiet and do nothing.

Like I said in yesterday’s post:

I am not a huge fan of Taylor Swift as an artist, but boy, she is just doing this trial perfectly. She has all of my respect for being so fierce and giving no fucks.