
God forbid we present a young woman in a period political drama with issues other than which husband she’s going to marry and if she’s having boy children and which pearls she’ll wear with what dress. 🙄

You need all the stars, they (Christians) drive me insane. The bible literally says not to judge others, but that’s all they do.

No no no we can’t explore the lives of women with lots of responsibility and power and how they juggle that with their personal desires. That is BOOORING! Give me some immature misbehaved entitled Real Houseviwes of the 60s please! I am not at all bored of all the TV shows and movies about the jet-set, not at all..

Honestly the ‘jet set princess with the messy personal life’ sounds pretty dull and done. We’ve got reality show after reality show featuring the young and rich and playful.

Hopefully she’ll be more fun this season but I hated Margaret last season. I couldn’t wait for her to be off my screen everytime she was on it. Her romance was boring and her entitlement without any sense of obligation to go with it was enraging.

Seriously, WTF. I’m Canadian, our Walmarts have the exact same layout (of course),and as I was looking at your map/comment, I thought “wait, that doesn’t...they wouldn’t....WHAT THE FUCK”.

This senator might also think a handicapped person is lazy, a poor person who can’t pull their bootstraps, a baby as a welfare recipient, they are really fucking dumb, like that guy who said his salary doesn’t come from taxes, even though he works for government...

Please, take it from a Catholic, believing that man is the Anti-Christ or Satan is an insult to the forces of Hell. As we all know the Devil is a man of wealth and taste, two things Trump clearly lacks.

The other day my wife witnessed online someone from our church demonizing socialist healthcare, then in the same thought wishing the US had Canada’s healthcare system. I think most people are confused by a lack of research, but have that envangelical passion that gets the mis-information out of control.

It’s one of the only silver linings of this election. The evangelical community across the country stood up and proudly said, “Fuck Jesus and everything he stood for— we want to worship the guy who hates women, brown people and the poors as much as we do.”

Of course I’m only guessing at their motivations, but surely anyone who read and believed in the New Testament, believed by Christians to relate the life and teachings of Jesus, would notice the frequent parts about love, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, humilIty, charity to all who need it, and again, the primacy

I’m not religious, but even I can see those GOP congressmen are not Christians, no matter how hard they protest that they are moral and godly guys. See, I know what a Christian is supposed to believe in and what priorities are supposed to guide their choices. No one who believed in a just god who would judge them

One Senator is fuzzy, unfocused, and unclear in his thinking and speaking.

The funny thing is, there’s no reason to think Johnson didn’t *want* McCain to vote ‘no’. Reports the next morning said that as many as 8 or 10 more Republicans wanted to vote ‘no’ but worried about how it might affect them back home. So they only needed one more ‘no’ and McCain took the bullet for the rest of them

Congressmen: The most sensitive snowflakes of all.

He’s a famously hapless goober, isn’t he? I thought he could barely open his mouth without stepping in it well before this story broke.

Spoken like a true Christian. No, really. Apparently Christians are fucking assholes.

I’m disgusted by how unsurprising this is. That a comment like this now seems almost banal speaks terribly of the politics of the past year