I have heard of 12! You can crown me Queen of the Youths!!!
I have heard of 12! You can crown me Queen of the Youths!!!
More than half of these are just specific to English-speaking Europe, though.
I knew I was getting too old for the EDM scene after spending most of my early-to-mid 20s in it, when I stopped recognizing the names in any given lineup.
I prefer “alt-young”.
Possibly Japandroids, although it was recommended to me by my brother, who is technically older but lives in LA and is much, much hipper than I ever was.
Stop making up fake band names.
I think I’ve heard of Muse. I’m not sure I would call Eminem a “rap god”. I didn’t know Korn, Jimmy Eat World, and Fatboy Slim were still making music.
I am old. They say your musical taste ossifies, more or less, at 35. It’s not to say that you can’t appreciate new music, but it adheres to a certain precedent.
I wouldn’t say old old, but too fucking old to go to a festival and sleep in a tent. 40 in a week. Love it. Seeing Guns and Roses for my birthday present to me. So old that I can’t properly remember any of their songs. Need to get some listening in over the next few days.
I recognize four names on this entire list... and only like one of them. Yep, old.
Rat Boy, Oh Wonder and Prose have been announced as acts on the lineup for the U.K.’s Reading and Leeds Festival in…
That made me want to actually punch people. The idea that Hillary’s corruption and lies/opacity, which were and are not insignificant issues (although, honestly, they were still in the normal spectrum of political sketchiness), were even remotely comparable to Trump’s was just absurd. The election wasn’t about the…
Do you think there’s any empathy there? Or just overweening privilege?
I truly think a lot of very rich people, to justify to themselves that they fly in private jets while poor children eat Cheerios for dinner, convince themselves that all rich people prosper because they *deserve* to - and that all poor people are lazy slobs. They ignore the issues of race and history and class and…
Because we live in a cruel and indifferent universe; one where stupidity cultivates pride, instead of searing, blinding pain. This is why I cannot have godlike power, because if I did, making people’s stupidity hurt them directly would be the first thing I’d do.
I’ve said this to people, and I don’t think they even understand what hypocrisy even means.
How can any Trump voter call Hillary a liar and not spontaneously combust from the sheer, blinding hypocrisy of their words?
Fuck off Jenner.
I get that a lot of super rich assholes vote R. Which means they’re voting in favor of everything that’s awful, and at least some of them have to know that. My question is, how much money do they need before they grow a conscience?
Golly Caitlyn. If only there was something in Trump’s past that would have hinted that he is a racist, sexist asshole. Then you wouldn’t find yourself in this delicate pickle.