
Baron Bannonkonnen.

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Just like how heart surgeon and small government republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) was able to incorrectly diagnose how she was “not somebody in persistent vegetative state” from the Senate floor. Thanks to him and a bunch of other small government republicans, she was forced to continue to

Eh... pretty much false. Steve Bannon looks pretty much what you look like if you live off a diet of bread and Jim Bean. Trying going all protein sometime and see how much weight you can keep on.

Yes. See, e.g. Idi Amin. Similar pathology and maybe a hint of what we’re in for.

For what it’s worth, a Tineye search reveals another version of that picture that looks slightly more presentable, which suggests that maybe there’s been some small ’shopping going on —

He is on GEHA (or whatever white house staff get), so not his problem...


Also, how can we get tested if they are shutting down Planned Parenthood and repealing the ACA?

Jeez, reading through your comment history is like reading through an atrocious self-help book that spends its entire time being condescending to the reader, with no substance to back it up.

Calling her a B* is what set me and I’m sure others off. There are 2 things you don’t do “in a black household”: 1. Call a black woman a B* and 2. Tell her to STFU. He can joke, curse and tell race jokes all day but calling her a B* and telling her to STFU are not good. Where were his black friends?

Imagining Lady Wendellwick-Neweholm receiving the company of Marchioness Twisslefonce-Upon-Ribble with the complement “Your menstrual pads look absolutely fetching tonight, Enid!”

I was once kicked out of a World of Warcraft guild for saying the word ‘vagina’. I wasn’t actually having a conversation about said vagina, I just happened to be around when someone said something a bit crude, and was admonished for saying the word specifically, not for the context in which the word was used.

I was

And thank you for sharing your experience! Like I said, this was my experience in a progressive family. Some of my friends were forced to go suffer ridiculous myths that still persist such as not entering kitchen during your period, not touching family members - esp men (men being the people who would perform

I heard something once about how Ted Kennedy’s staff answered the many, many angry calls they’d get regarding his position on gun control. Something to the effect of “As you may know, two of the Senator’s brothers were victims of gun violence.” Not sure if it’s true, but I imagine many a caller would have to think for

Yeah, fuck this shit. As a young girl growing up in India, even with a progressive family, I received NO info about periods. I got my cues from equally misinformed peers and you can imagine what theories a bunch of scared 12 year olds came up with. When I got my period, despite their best intentions, my parents told

it turned out to be a payphone at a bar in Maine, and the guy was apparently a regular who’d get hammered every night and then call Senator Clinton’s office to rant violently at her.

Proper terminology please; “Auntie Flo is coming for a visit”. Also refer to your vagina as “down there”. We can’t cause trauma to these poor men.