Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Energy Department for a list of names of all agency employees and…
I love this new Spider Man, and the reaction to his introduction in Civil War was insane. I actually appreciate seeing him as he began: a high school kid. He looks like a believable 16-year-old, rather than a 40-year-old pretending to be 20.
They picked someone age appropriate for where they wanted Spider-Man to start off now. So young it is! As for cheek, that’s sort of the goal with this. Spider-Man is the original character with a mouth, before Deadpool claimed the title (Deadpool being filthier). Spidey talks and talks and talks.
see my immediate reaction was “wtf did the staten island ferry do to script writers?” between this and TDK... let it be. No one *wants* to go to staten island, those people have it rough enough.
To be fair Peter was in high school when he first became Spider-Man.
I like Tiffany’s face better too. It’s more human looking. Ivanka’s creeping up to uncanny valley with her plastic surgerys.
I think Tiffany’s prettier because of her imperfections. Ivanka has that creepy Aryan thing going on that makes me feel she’s gonna demand to see my papers. And I’m part German.
It’s kind of creepy but First Lady is kind of ridiculous as a position to begin with. If Trump’s wife is not interested in it she can do something else with her life.
Oh, I agree and have made that point in the past (How Hillary back in the 90s basically designed healthcare reform FOR FREE, and how the FLOTUS should be a paid position), and if I thought Mel was making some kind of feminist point, or gave a shit about anything at all beyond fur coats, baubles, and golden toilets, I…
In general, no. Other daughters or female relatives have done so, a lot of them actually though mostly in the early years. While it was mostly because the wives were dead, ill or non- existent, at least one of them flat out refused: “Zachary Taylor’s wife learned to shoot a gun when she lived with her husband on the…
And honestly, as Dan Savage pointed out, any credit for these tots having an ounce of rationality should go to the domestic work that raised them.
plot twist! she and baron become super lefty liberals who use their inheritance to fight against and dismantle donny’s influence and power
I used to believe Ivanka was an evil mastermind. Look deeply into her eyes while Gropenfuhr goes on one of his rants: absolutely nothing going on behind those cold dead eyes. It is shocking.
Pretty sure I’ve seen a quote from Marla out there that strongly implied Trump was totally cool with her aborting Tiffany if she wanted to.
Mmmm no weirder than the rest of their relationship. There is historical precedent for daughters/nieces to fill the role...granted usually when the Prez. was a bachelor or widower. But as you said if Melania is not having it, its kind of a natural thing.
I don’t. Between her and Ivanka, she actually seems like she has a much healthier relationship with the fact that her dad sucks. Like, she actually knows that he does suck while Ivanka is still convinced that the “attention” she gets for being a hot sycophant is better than no attention at all.
after all, she is probably an unwanted child.
Slightly off-topic: IS anybody other than me finding it a little creepy that his daughter Ivanka, seems to be preparing to fulfill the FLOTUS role? It seems that Melania has little or no interest in being FLOTUS. In fact, her attitude this entire time has been more along the lines of “I did not sign up for this.”
“Generally appearing in America as “The House Carpenter,” this one is a Child ballad with Scottish origins where it’s often known as “The Daemon Lover.”