C) Where was this article and outrage during the Obama administration?
C) Where was this article and outrage during the Obama administration?
Men who are competitive are assholes to all. Is it okay?
I got to about this point and saw that it was being displayed as some sort of “making me unwelcome” evidence of victimhood. Good lord. That is the oldest hustle there is. Psychological manipulation is in every sport everywhere since forever. This trick is competition 101 and has nothing to do, whatsoever, with…
Amen. If you are in a situation where sex is doled out as part of some sort of “exchange”, you have lost. Regardless of which end of the bargain you are on. Technically, exchanging sex for payment (goods, services, money) is also known as prostitution. A lot of married people seem to be under the impression that being…
If nothing else, flip the genders and imagine the explosion of outrage. We’d be reading about it on Jezebel for a week.
“Where are the NORMAL men?” seems to be the chorus
I wouldn’t be so hard on SF if the people living in it could figure out how to shut up about how amazing it is. This seems to mostly be a transplant thing...people I know who grew up there are almost embarrassed to say that it is where they are from these days. The hype is really too much. Yes, yes, those $17.50…
Because NYC is a real city?
I commute this corridor fairly regularly and was going through there on the day of the crash. There are a couple of things to note about the place that this happened.
To a point, sure. Letting little Sally or Billy borrow $75K in loans to get a degree in something that gets them a career as an adjunct making $23.4K a year, or making Lattes for $30K, is really not a very good way to guide them. Some amount of fire under their ass is going to be necessary in many cases. Frankly, this…
Just to add to the first category, I pirated when I was a kid / teenager because I had no money. My parents had shelled out cash for a reasonably powerful PC (which in the early 90's was a not insignificant sum) for my dad’s electronic consulting business, and since he also worked a full time job, I had a number of…
I am not sure if whitewashing is the right term, but certainly retroactively applying the current social mores sets a questionable precedent. Today’s “woke internet justice warriors” will merely become tomorrow’s “stodgy old oppressors who need to shut their mouths because they are totally not with it.” Just look at…
But but but, like, hope and change? I am pretty sure that both of those are constitutional by-laws, or at least bills, right? I just sort of look for the “D” next to the boxes on my ballots.
Oh. Shit.
Got a link? This sounds humorous.
Grow up.
“When it feels like HR isn’t on their side...”
I have never really gotten the feeling that TR or any of its sub-sites were ever about discussion or actually making a positive change in how people view or treat one another. It mostly reads like a lecture from a critical race theory class. Occasionally, there is something thought-provoking, but it’s a little rare.…