
If you are thinking that you want to be an ally, then just accept that you are not in a place where “equality” or anything else resembling Enlightenment ideals is the goal. You get to shut up and do what you are told because you are white, and therefore deficient as a human. You bear guilt by association of skin

Error 404: Surprise not found

So homeboy basically admits guilt in a text message exchange and then lawyers up when the consequences arrive?

When will Hollywood learn already?

All due process is rape until the patriarchy ends?

The outer should be prepared to take on the burden of those consequences.

Are people actually surprised by this? Buying a Tesla has always been a case of spending $70k-150k to beta test the product. This was fairly obvious from the start. Tesla is developing a pretty fantastic drivetrain, and said drivetrain needs stuff around it to meet mandated safety requirements and look presentable in

“Doing something” about things you find objectionable, and strategically taking specific proactive actions toward minimizing things you find objectionable are not the same thing. This is, I believe, Melvin’s point. Ignoring a problem obviously is not (usually) the solution, but neither is blindly “doing

History classes everywhere can basically be summed up with this.

The children of now-defunct Gawker learned zero from their parent site’s demise.

What seems to get lost in these things is that, while anger is a justified response, actions taken as a result of that anger are in no way guaranteed to be justified (or productive toward desired outcomes).

I agree 100%, with “option B” as the preferred path in the last paragraph. The difficulty with both options is the exact determination of “how much” wealth was extracted, over how long and who, specifically, pays. That isn’t to say that it shouldn’t be done, but it might be too complex of a task to ever actually

Nationalism isn’t really unique to America either, though. There are clueless hillbillies everywhere who think that they have the best way of life and that everyone else is hopelessly stupid for being different. America seems to hog the spotlight, I will give you that. If there is one thing that we export too much of,

A star for you. I get the feeling that a lot of the loudest proponents of the idea that white people are inherently evil have never traveled at all. Everyone has the capacity for evil, and those that claim that they don’t are the most dangerous of all. Most progressives are in fact trying very hard to work toward an

Since you have now stated a clear lack of interest in conversing, I respect that, so you won’t hear any more from me.

I considered fanning the fire a little more, but that’s unproductive for everyone. So.

It is awfully pompus of Europeans/Westerners to criticize and blame the number of children that Africans have as being the reason for Africa’s poverty...

Oh, ok, you are just angry and want to vent. Carry on then.

lol...in one brief response we have:

Not seeing the irony. Inform me please.