Ha, just wait until you move again and realize just how much additional crap you an accumulate in 3 years versus just one! Been there, raged, done that.
Ha, just wait until you move again and realize just how much additional crap you an accumulate in 3 years versus just one! Been there, raged, done that.
Very cool. I remember how hard I thought it was just to not die in this game as a little kid lol.
See, you are actually thinking of utility in any sort of practical sense as it pertains to making meaningful change to a broken social and political landscape.
Correct, there have been people aware of these issues and fighting for what is right for decades, across administrations. It has not elicited the same level of press coverage until now. On the one hand, it is better late than never, but on the other hand it is probable that the media industrial complex will completely…
This is probably the most maddening part about it all. These people and their children are being used as political tools. They will be discarded as soon as their value is used up. Hopefully the public keeps the pressure on politicians to fix this gross set of immigration policies.
Correct, different sets of policies. Trump’s claim that his current crop of policies is a continuation of Obama’s is clearly ridiculous. The actual outcome, felt by desperate people trying to make a better life, is ultimately the same for many people. Tens of thousands of families were separated. Props to HuffPo for…
Hmm, well I suppose that those would be the exception then.
Same here, I always wondered how the rest of the planet fared. My assumption was that the US and USSR were completely destroyed, along with much/most of Europe and probably Japan. Nuclear winter would have done a real number on everywhere else, but acute nuclear devastation might not have occurred in South America,…
Thanks for the leg-work on the legality (or lack thereof). What a big mess.
For reals. All of the driving handbooks should change mentions of left lanes to “passing lanes” to try to get this idea out there a little more effectively.
Also, friendly advice here. If you are going to try to play a game of Racism Catfish, you really need to think a little more first.
Letters. Because why not? I was sort of following the lead of the OP.
You and your Stormfront pals are really going to hate men then, because many of the thousands of dollars that I put into higher ed programs for disadvantaged American kids end up helping black and Mexican youth.
My objective is, if I am lucky, to engage in a reasonable discussion about current events. Ideally, maybe I will learn something while also convincing other people to demand the DNC be a hell of a lot better, because they are the only viable opposition to the republicans in our stupid 2 party system.
Grow up. If your bar for getting upset about humanitarian issues is tied to which political party is in the white house, you are not helping anyone.
Not to this degre
No, of course not. That one is recent. It is part of a program that has been going on since well before this administration. Points to the current political opposition for getting the best tear-jerker photo?
Yup. As has always been the case in history, we are just that one laaaaaaast genocide away from utopia. “Seriously guys, just this one time, trust me on this. It’ll stop exactly where I say it will.”
Just going on numbers, I’ll take the gun on the table over a sack of sugar.