Warren 2020. My god, I hope it happens. We (progressive folks) have a LOT of work on our hands in the coming 4 years. We can sit around licking our wounds for a week, fine, but we need to get going NOW if we want to right this ship.
Warren 2020. My god, I hope it happens. We (progressive folks) have a LOT of work on our hands in the coming 4 years. We can sit around licking our wounds for a week, fine, but we need to get going NOW if we want to right this ship.
If this kind of petty temper tantrum is what the left responds to this election with, I am terrified, because the nation is only going to go even further right in the coming years. The left is already tearing itself to shreds and alienating large portions of itself with angry flailing the wake of this terrible…
Agreed. However, the total cluelessness about how to package the message is squarely on the Dems. You don’t get the largest voting bloc in the nation (whites) behind you by saying dumb stuff like “Equality will feel like oppression when your privilege is taken away.” (a common sentiment from left leaning folks…
Agreed. I hope that the nation sees that handing the reigns to the Republicans was the wrong choice, and that they are just as big of liars as the other side. We’ll probably never see a third party, but I at least hope that a bunch of incumbents get booted and that the legislative branch goes blue again.
There is a difference between what you think is going on with these people (“I want my old job back so I can get a new iPhone and 70" LCD”) and what is actually going on for countless rust belt families (“I want my old job back because this will be the third month in a row I have to choose between rent and…
Congratulations on being EXACTLY like Trump and his supporters.
Those things you just stated as being real have BEEN real here for a very long time.
Facebook VR?
Yup. Why on earth would anyone be mad that they no longer work for Yahoo! Getting booted from that sinking ship is a favor. That, and being a big whiner about getting canned and bringing lawsuits over it is a guaranteed way to be blacklisted from employment anywhere else in the Silicon Valley.
Today’s 3rd wave strongly implies the notion that women are inherently more virtuous than men, and that handing the world over to them will automatically lead to utopia for all. The truth is that men and women are in fact equal in all ways, including the shitty ones like pettiness, vengefulness and greediness.…
Any Yahoo! employee that was laid off / fired in the last 5 years should be thankful, because it was a favor. It’s a walking zombie company at this point.
In the CA Bay Area, that day came a long time ago. The HOV lanes are choked full of various “green incentive” cars, plus actual HOV’s and cheaters. A TON of people have gone out and bought / financed Teslas to shave 5 minutes off of their 90 minute commute. It’s just silly.
Agreed. However, some of the non-upgradeability seems to be due to the insane level of integration that ultra-light laptops require to hit their size and weight targets. Personally, I still lug around a W-series Thinkpad since it is 100% serviceable, and I like having the CPU power when I need it. But, something like…
I agree with your points, BUT it might still be a highly effective way to increase profits for automakers. Lots of cars have been targeted specifically at men for a very long time, exploiting all sorts of dumb-but-real-enough male stereotypes about reliving lost youth, making up for erectile dysfunction, conferring…
God’s punishment for tolerance of gays? Surely someone (or several million) there is convinced of this.
Manual Transmission
If by “Silicon Valley” you mean the “Web Services and Ad Serving Peninsula” then sure, it is full of Tech Bros. There are, of course, a smattering of startups that claim to be doing hardware mixed in, such as Skully. The Silicon Valley is still 40 miles south of SF, where lots of companies are busy doing…
The dealer does in fact assume some liability if it can be proven that they knowingly sold a vehicle to someone that intended to resell it overseas for terror-related purposes. There was a big hooplah over exactly this a little while back when a Ford dealer sold a trade-in that ended up with ISIS using it as a mobile…
WHEN autonomous cars are finally ready for prime-time (they are not even close right now), they will be vastly safer than the setup we have now. People will fight it, tooth and nail, enthusiast and non-enthusiast alike. It will become the norm anyway, and things will, as a whole, be better for it. I am an auto…
And, GOD, I hope it stays that low. For many, many reasons.