Yeah, I become more and more convinced of this with every passing week. Trump may have also tossed his hat in for fun expecting nothing to come of it, then deciding to roll with it when people started supporting him, and at this point he is freaking out and desperately trying to shake his fanbase so he can go back to…
1) Take breaks! Even if you don’t feel exhausted yet, and you are doing a project that takes more than 5 hours, just give yourself 10 minutes off every 90 minutes or so. Eat something, have a glass of water. It really makes things go more smoothly. This little bit of patience took me over a decade to learn and…
“Hopefully a jury will nail them both for aggravated sucking at being people, and take away their licenses and give them pills that make them chronic bedwetters.” I have a dedicated Folding@Home rig running a GTX 980Ti. I was planning on buying two more of those cards later this year since the CPU & mtherboard have enough slots and lanes. This GTX 1080 could really change things. Unless the price of a GTX 980Ti drops dramatically after the 1080 is out, I might just…
Sadly, Americans LOVE being told who they are and how to define themselves by corporate entities. It is much easier to let yourself be defined by spending money than to grapple with the scary and difficult process of looking inward. Many people are so heavily invested in identifying by the consumer-product-du-jour…
Holy moly, Mountain View. They are adding eighty zillion square feet of office space on Shoreline between Middlefield and the golf course over the next couple of years. To hell with the fact that traffic is (and has been) insufferable 12 hours a day for the last couple of years. In some ways, I would argue that…
Oh god, please don’t encourage any of the current crop of SF folk to head south. It’s nice and boring here, nothing to see, no artisnal $15 coffee. Nope, just suburbs and no real innovation (just boring old-paradigm companies with actual products and positive net income). Please everyone, just stay up in SF and leave…
Oh god, please don’t encourage any of the current crop of SF folk to head south. It’s nice and boring here, nothing to see, no artisnal $15 coffee. Nope, just suburbs and no real innovation (just boring old-paradigm companies with actual products and positive net income). Please everyone, just stay up in SF and leave…
Thank you for sharing this. Bring issues like abortion out into the open and actually discussing it in a sane, rational way is the ONLY way that any progress will be made with it. I think that one of the biggest pieces of ammunition that the so-called “pro-life” camp has is the fact that abortion is a taboo subject to…
The steering rack is no biggie. First, forget the stock E30 one. They are super prone to blowing out end seals, and they are 4 turns lock-to-lock. Awful. I picked up a 1999 Z3 (1.9L) rack for $220 from a wrecker, which has much more robust seals and 2.7 turns l2l. It is more or less a bolt-on if you have a 1988+ E30…
Interesting, thanks. The note about most burglaries being done by teenage males within a couple miles of your house corresponds to my one unfortunate experience with burglary. The guy lived with his parents in my neighborhood, and had nothing but time to watch everyone’s habits. My wife and I had just bought the house…
Right. And like most things, there’s the “official” stance, and there’s real life. Some troops are filled with religious nutballs. Many troops are anything but. It is ultimately up to the parents that run a troop to actually run the troop, and a troop will generally reflect the values of the surrounding community’s…
There already is an adventure-oriented co-ed scouting group. It is called Venture Crew. Back in the late 1990’s, a number of boys from my troop (and girls from GS troops in the area) were active in Venture Crew and their BSA / GSA troops.
“So the people who support Boy Scouts and enroll their sons in Boy Scouts aren’t exactly the most enlightened bunch.”
“There is also a perception that majors with large number of male students such as business and STEM fields are not represented abroad. But nearly 49 percent of all U.S. college students who study abroad are in business or STEM related majors, far outpacing social sciences and humanities.”
Amen. Unless you just want to go kick it with your buddies and grossly overpay for drinks while going deaf to whatever uhn-tiss is the current favorite uhn-tiss, clubs are boring as hell.
Yeah, chafed nipples and bloody urine are a couple of things that I have had the pleasure of enjoying. Same reaction here to the bloody urine...”oh shit, am I dying?!” And a day later I was fine. The nipples...body glide is my best friend. No missing toenails here (yet), and I am fine with it staying that way.
Great story. It’s always amazng how you can look back and realize how blessings can be disguised. That, and having a house is generally a much better way to use money than a down-payment-eating wedding! Some of the most fun weddings I have ever been to were on very tight budgets, with the most fun one being without…
Amen. Guests may outwardly compliment the newlyweds about how nice their wedding event is, but they are inwardly calling you an idiot if they know you took out a loan for the wedding. Honestly, there are far more imporant milestones in a couple’s lives than the wedding day, and many of those milestones require money,…