So, am I pushing my western propaganda lib agenda just by mentioning that Ivankov is a character that exists in One Piece? A character who’s both trans and has a small army of trans followers?
So, am I pushing my western propaganda lib agenda just by mentioning that Ivankov is a character that exists in One Piece? A character who’s both trans and has a small army of trans followers?
The same cards that said yasuie did NOT have a smile fruit when he actually did? Sure.
He’s going to be really upset when he hears about this new western lib fanservice anime featuring gender bending as its central plot point:
Ahahaha, you really think a random piece of merchandise is more canonical than the actual manga? Yeah, you’re not grasping at straws at all.
Dude, official sources from outside of the manga have been wrong before. At some point they confirmed that Shanks was a Yonkou when he met Luffy, turned out that was proven wrong in the manga. I’m not saying Yamato will end up as a confirmed guy for the rest of the story, I don’t think it’s Oda’s intention either. But…
I think generally people are aware it comes from caffeine, but I think the point of this article is how much caffeine there is in them may still be surprising.
You’re absolutely right. Viewing one person as a person immediately diminishes all other injustices in the world. Truly, justice and goodness are part of a zero sum game.
I’m the exact opposite of you, I want cold coffee year round.
This also isn’t a surprise as an iOS dev.
Actually this is common in alot of countries - hell that is technically what all the state lotteries are, gov’t controlled gambling to subsidize government programs - education primarily I think. Might as well as go the casino route.
Consoles do this same thing, but instead of iOS updates, we call them console generations.
Well, I’ve done exactly this — come back two years later and tried to get an iOS app “up to code” again with no feature changes. It was multiple days of work
I can’t speak for anywhere else, but here in Ontario we have government-owned casinos that are advertised on tv.
Right like look at the most recent time it was downloaded in X period of time. That a app maker released a game in 100% complete, no updates needed, should be commended.
Have you ever returned to a project after a couple years, updated the toolchain, and then had it “just work” without tons of work? Cause I haven’t. I’ve had it happen the other way more than once tho
I’m largely okay with mobile ecosystems evolving in ways which might make past games unplayable, as long as devs have the option of updating them. I respect that devs may choose not to, or may lack the resources to keep up with it (or the cost-benefit ratio isn’t there), but I’m ultimately okay with it as long as…
Trying to tidy up the app store makes sense. Basing that tidy on the most inane metric I can think of doesn’t. There are plenty of other easy numbers you could look at when considering what to remove, and pairing that with the fact that it costs money to get that app on the Apple app store in the first place, make…
Oh god, what I would give for more of this!
For reference, Bobby Kotick earned an average of $77,306 an hour (an hour) per a January 14th article I’ll link below because Kinja is too dumb for hyperlinks. This allows us to do some fun math to see how little these fucks actually bothered settling for.
At this point fines are just the cost of doing business, and will be until the law grows some fucking balls and enables itself to shut these companies down or pay more than pocket change in fines