No worries!
No worries!
I watched it! and I really enjoyed it. It’s the show I thought of the first time I heard about this one being a thing. Have you seen this? If so, which did you like better? Or are they too different to actually compare?
You’re right, it’s a Studio change. MAPPA’s doing it now.
Oh noo, I’m sorry! I really hope the second apple is better. Ugh what a disappointment, and from what you make it sound like, a preventable one on their end?
I’m super interested in how this tasting goes at your work. If you can, maybe you could update once it’s happened? I’d love to hear your perspective and the thoughts on this apple.
Oh my gosh! I had no idea that it was so robustly used over so much dialog! Now I REALLY need his translation to be different.
I know it’ll never happen, but I almost wish they’d do a different translation for Squall. Especially since we’re talking about text and not having to re-do a bunch of voice acting. Since his “whatever” is apparently a sarcastic “well, excuse me” in the original Japanese. I mean, he’s not winning personality awards…
I’m adopted, but my mum bought us kits one Christmas some years ago (23&Me had a sale at the time) and we did it together~ She has had immense success. LOL And has had more than a few people contact her. Which has been cool. She has a great grandparent who re-married at one point and she’s gotten in touch with…
Oh no worries! I have seen Speed, but I saw it around the time it came out so I really don’t remember a lot of it because I was pretty young. Thank you for your response though!
I tried to look it up to no avail, but I’m so curious what that gif is from?
I loved what I saw and am super excited for this~ :D
That would totally be another way to do things. They’re unnerving to look at too. It would be interesting to have them be otherwise harmless and going around doing their own thing.
Is that movie anything like Tom And Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
This article is happiness. Thank you for sharing!
I’m sure there has been one somewhere, but has there been a good guy who was rocking a cool villain design?
Some of those lines at Celebration were absolutely maddening.