
I had to look at that photo after you mentioned that to see what you were talking about and... and you are absolutely right in what you said. It's freakish how angles work or in this case 'don't' work.

Oh man I am so familair with the 'Rumblies in my tummy' thing.

I had friends over and we were playing video games. At one point Friend X apparently had to let one go. He was sitting on the chair, my friend and I were using my bed as a couch when IT happened.


I am so happy to know I was not the only one.

I would love that

LOL this gave me a good laugh. Thank you. I also totally agree.

Also with Rogers. I love how it has the 'Faster than' percentage. Though yours is clearly a Grade better than mine.

Thank you for that. You made me smile which is very awesome right now. I suppose since it seems like this isn't a rare dream that statistically someone would actually be or just about to start loosing their teeth. Goodness that just frightened me.

It's nice to know other people have these dreams. Not that I'm glad or anything that other people are subjected to them but that I'm not the only one who dreams about their teeth falling out of their head and whatnot.

Of all the dreams to have teeth dreams suck the most and I agree they always seem so real.

UGH, anxiety, along with being up at night where you're tired but not enough to sleep, but JUST enough so you notice every little thing your body is doing, and the Internet do NOT mix.

LOL oh my goodness. I must ask, where is that from?

[breadplusbutter.blogspot.com] I like this recipe for easy peach cobbler. I don't have fancy little tin cups though so I've had to improvise with that.

I also saw The Debt today with my mum. It was a very awesome movie. Also, I TOTALLY agree with that image you posted. That's a very odd choice they went with for the men.

I'm also having the same problem you're having. I don't know what to do and it's very bothering since I have no clue as to how to fix it.

Didn't this happen to some lady last summer? I'm sure I read the story here but I'm totally not finding it. She was also European and said it was a normal thing to do.

I'm just guessing but I'd say that it would be so they could look at it's bones. If not for that then I'm not sure.

If we're talking about real humans who I crushed on and not cartoons, then my first swooning crush was Boba Fett. My brother had me watch Star Wars when they were showing it back to back when I was 6 or so (This was the late 80's). I was in love. If we're talking about someone where I can see their face, I have no

I So cannot wait. I loved the first series and am very excited to see how they do this one.