
@Jorw: You're apparently not the only one having problems with that.

@enderwiggin13: I'm really hoping it's good. I really like Frank Darabont and how excited he is over the project hopefully means good things.

@thiagohf113: Oh yes, I want a container I can drink out of that has cartoon handwriting on it and maybe a skull on it.

@thiagohf113: I guess it would depend if they knew what it was? I could imagine someone saying 'Oh Cool! whats that.' or just 'Oh cool.' There would be a 'OMG!' in there.

@thiagohf113: LOL you got me there. That would really be something to see/show off.

@thiagohf113: I have NO idea honestly who would or would want to do this... But apparently there are people who would, if only from the pictures and videos...

@thiagohf113: I'm sure you're kidding and or you know, but there is a way to do that.

@qman46: I agree with you since I also know it's far more expensive to kill someone then keep them alive.

@theCanuck: I know every year people still talk about bringing it back, and in the more recent decade, the numbers have been climbing.

@metaluna21: I'm not against it, but I do say that it's not perfect. I'm not sure what 'perfect' is, but I have some ideas.

@xeno314: I remember back in the day when it was considered 'cruel and unusual punishment' to keep someone on death row for more than 2 weeks. So they'd kill the prisoners before then.

Oh goodness, that was amazing.

@Prayer Police: Just a tad bit older than the age Lisa Simpson should be (23) but would be perfect age to be a friend of Bart.

@MAConcep00: after sooo many years, I'd gotten used to the creepy eyes. Still, I'm happy for the change.

@thesadtomato: Yeah that's true. You only get the high number of topless women during the gay pride parade.

@thesadtomato: Women are allowed to be Topless in Toronto. You just don't see them. I'm not sure what year in particular when it became legal within the city, but I remember a lot of establishments being blamed for traffic issues with having their ladies walking around topless on the sidewalks.

Oh wow, all I can say is that, this is shocking. I loved his work, even before I knew that the movies I liked were done by him.