
tx and la? why doesn't this crap ever roll out in NYC first? i'm not from NYC, but that is the most densely populated city in the country.

@Kodros: i see your point, but still, i feel like wallpaper apps are lame imo. then again, that's just my opinion.

@Nitemancometh: so someone put a miniature outfit on their penis, what's so funny about that?

Ft Lauderdale anyone? Midpoint for the tri-county area.

cannot unsee

@Non-Engineer: it's ok. i should have ended my comment with

Oh great, now the cabbies are really gonna be sweating

@WestwoodDenizen: correct! also, i edited my comment to be of a completely different topic which i enjoyed more, therefore your comment still makes complete sense.

did someone say neo geo?

and one for good luck

Wow $25 off the 58" 3D plasma!!! LoL

DAAAAAMN! How much does that suck. It's like those fake winning lotto ticket gags, only way worse.


@torched - White Gold Wielder: I'd have a assumed it was Miami, but I guess I'm wrong. Maybe we have more illegals down here. Also, the Miami coverage is supposed to include the tri-county area of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach, which I'm willing to bet has more people than Jacksonville. I'm guessing that more than just

From the "Miami" market, I enabled 4G and it says "obtaining IP address" as opposed to the usual "scanning." Weird.

Jacksonville, really?

another point for sprint

palin also went rogue. ugh