
No pimento?

I have been a white person my whole life. I have never not used washcloths, nor have I ever known any other white person who doesn’t have at least one wash cloth for every two hand towels, and two hand towels for every four bath towels.

Don’t forget the Scots! I’ve seen old ladies get in fights over tartans at the Highland games.

No pimento?

My family and I don’t eat the eggs, but we are fortunate that we can be super-picky about what we eat. I feed some of them back to the hens for protein and calcium, and the rest I donate to the county food bank. Some of my friends think it’s hypocritical of me to do so. The hens are going to lay regardless. Even with

I own a livestock sanctuary and usually have around 25 hens. Some I raised from chicks, some were backyard hens I took when the owners no longer wanted them, and 7 that are former “battery hens” from SoCal egg farms. The hens I’ve hatched or taken from backyard flocks have had no vaccines or antibiotics and are

I have autistic chickens and if they had feelings you would be hurting them. #autisticchickensmatter

Bingo. I’m a vegan but I am not militant or evangelical. I own a private barnyard sanctuary and as far as many of my vegan friends and colleagues are concerned I am not a “real” vegan because I’m not at Whole Foods doing a disruption every weekend and because I don’t throw my hens’ eggs in the garbage. I would love to

I don’t watch that often. When did Scheana get so goddamned skinny?

Yeah, MC not knowing the source material she was criticizing reminds my of the student who turned in an essay to me criticizing the book he didn’t bother to read. Sorry, Margaret. No leg to stand on.

You’ve got a good point. One of the problems I have with getting rid of the lacto is that I’ve found all nut and plant based “milks” atrocious. Same with alternative cheeses. I went “cold turkey” off of all meats and eggs, but am having a difficult time doing that with diary, even though I know what the dairy

I come from a family of American retirees, and had only flown American or Delta until about ten years ago. I gave Southwest a shot on a work trip and have never looked back. I’ve never had a bad experience with Southwest; not one.

I’m also a vegetarian and have no interest in imitation anything. If I wanted meat, I’d go back to eating meat. I just don’t see the point. The thing keeping me from going full-vegan is that I love cheese too much and I sure as hell am not going to eat fake cheese.

I was in a major department store yesterday. One that does the “one line during the holidays thing” and within all of about four minutes heard “I have to stand in THIS line? (there were two other ladies in front of her) and had an old man walk past the line and cut right in front of me to the register. When the

This has always boggled my mind as well. I guess at least with Southwest it’s a desire to get their preferred seat. But I’m with you - I’m in no rush to get in there with the sticky air and stinky people.

Thanks for the link.

Because Ms. Tina is a goddess and freak of nature. I think her long-time Buddhist faith (and excellent genes) have a lot to do with how gorgeous she is. Not too sound too cheeseball, but Tina definitely has an inner light that shines outward.

I’m forty-five and while I wasn’t among the most hardcore of the “wanna bes,” I definitely loved and emulated her style. It’s impossible for someone wasn’t around then to appreciate what a breath of fresh air she was for all of us girls who weren’t (and were never going to be) prim and proper.  

First thing I think of every time I see or hear his name. Shame on ya, Sean. Shame. On. Ya.

Every single woman in this video reinforces why those Hadid and Jenner girls have NO business calling themselves “models.” These women knew how to get it done. Most of the girls in the VS show really do look like girls playing dress-up.