
Wait: is the dog in the bottom left photo also dead or just devastated?

New award category: Best Dead Equine.

I am a professor at a public institution in another state and our salaries are all listed on a public employee website. But plenty of wives (and husbands) and been fooled by shit-heel spouses for longer than this. Maybe she was so busy with her three kids she just didn’t really GAF what he was up to? (of course, not

In “Delivery Man,” it was a legit sperm clinic. The kids, who are now young adults, take the clinic to court to get the donor’s name, because they want to meet their father. SPOILER ALERT: His fiance is initially pissed, but Hollywood-style, everyone comes together in the end and he becomes a “dad” to a bajillion

I haven’t seen the Star Trek reboots, and I was trying to remember where I recognized him from. I caught him in a movie called “Rudderless,” on cable a few weeks ago and he was fantastic in it, just so natural and so much charisma playing a nerdy rocker kid. This is just a terrible loss. His poor parents.

Zoe is one of those actresses I really want to like, and I have tried to give her the benefit of the doubt with this biopic mess, but to say nobody knew the fuck who Nina was - is she kidding this shit?