
I feel like I’m wearing a tin-foil hat here, but here goes: something in the meeting is leading the dems to think Comey himself is compromised at this point.

“We use it now when my school-aged son is outright refusing to discuss or correct his misbehavior and has closed off all other avenues of correction.”

False. You are striking a child.

It probably should have occurred to you that if your son was “too young to discuss misbehavior and listen to no-no” that maybe he was a baby.

“open hand spanking” = hitting

Adults don’t usually need to be disciplined to behave. If you want to take your ridiculously reductionist argument further, you could say that if the child who hits the parent were an adult, they would be in jail too. It’s not in any way the same situation.

As someone who was both beaten, kicked, punched to a pulp and “spanked”: it didn’t make ANY FUCKING difference. They were all damaging and assaults on my personhood and value and degrading as FUCK. FUCK YOU for insisting that this is okay with children. Would you non-sexually spank a grown woman?!

Sure. But then we get into parsing flavors of hitting – what kind of hitting is good hitting, what kind is bad hitting. Which, will doable, is a bit of a difficult proposition.

It might be permissible hitting, in your view, but spanking is definitely hitting.

Yet if you did the same thing to an adult, it would be assault.

He has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old

Can we all agree that losing Kim and gaining Dorit is the biggest tragedy of the housewives era? God Dorit is terrible.

First he’s too smart for the briefings, then he can’t retain the info from said briefings. Which is it you orange asshole?

Dumb bs? trump being blackmailed by the russians to be their puppet is dumb? Get out of here with that crap.

On a serious note, this actually happened. The Trump campaign removed harsh language regarding Russia/Ukraine from the Republican platform. He then implied the US would not defend its NATO commitments in Eastern Europe. Granted this happened in July and I’m not sure when this report was written. The best I could find

Hold the fuck on, it isn’t standard procedure for the show to book hotel space for the various performers to get hair and makeup done and wait indoors until showtime? It’s not like you can get to Times Square after about 3pm. This smells of catty bullshit.

Prepare for someone to earnestly explain how this is all her fault with bonus Bernie would have won guarantees.

You guys are nicer than I am. I’m still in the no sympathy camp.

A few years ago, maybe 2013 or 14, Secretary Hillary Clinton came to my work (not Wall Street, tech company) for a fireside chat and to promote her book. She talked at length about her experience as SOS, and one thing she discussed was how much “small offenses” matter to so many leaders and countries around the world,