
When my first nephew was a baby, I would tell him “You’re a better man than I am Gunga Din,” and it would always make him smile. As he started learning people’s names, he seemed to be taking a long time to learn mine. Then one day my sister-in-law says, “I think he thinks you’re Gunga.” Once she pointed it out, we

Watching porn with your significant other is one thing. Watching porn featuring a young girl you’ve know her whole life who you found attractive at the age of 12 your wife is the real icky part of this scenario.

The first thing a dictator does is go after the media.

They won’t care. Facts don’t matter to them.

Right? Its the voice that gets me. Everything around her is asian influenced design, asian people, and the narration is just plain old american.

I’m more upset with how she *sounds* out of place. Her voice is too... ‘weak’, I guess is the word I’d use. The major’s always had the rocksolid voice of a badass in the various adaptions. Emotional content was always subtly hinted at; but here her voice is so laced with it that it feels really out of place for me.

Hillary’s candidacy meant a lot of things to a lot of people— many of them women who have been consistently passed over in their professional lives in favor of less qualified men. It seems really shitty to mock people for feeling badly for her, much less to make the ridiculous assertion that such feelings are the

Susan retweeted the clip of Van Jones that’s going around right now. To which I say, how DARE you have the nerve to do that you ignorant fool. After your simpering for Jill Stein. Van Jones has been a voice of reason this whole election season and you tuning into him now is a day late and a damn sight more than a

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

AND FUCK YOU to all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate, revved it up, warmed up that engine and then passed it right on to Trump.Fuck you for that. This means you “The Slot.” Your dumb ass is guilty as charged.

Free speech my friend. Just as he had the right to say every despicable thing that dribbled from his fish mouth, he also must face the consequences of said free speech.

I’m sad to say that I expect violence, both on election day and afterwards.

Kids take up every fucking minute of your goddam life, and they’re an inconvenience to others, which is why Moms usually band together in packs. Spread out the misery.

You are wrong. Everything is always about Mariah. All others must wait.

Ok, so it sounds like the guy whose recommendation it was that no charges be filed against Clinton for any wrongdoing has now turned around and intentionally given a vague statement with the express purpose of “punishing” her for the very things he said merit no action. Like, I was giving the benefit of the doubt when

It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.

They just want to make America great again! Like it was when white men could torture and murder black children with impunity.

I watched the debate with my husband, whose criticism of Hillary’s performance was that she wasn’t aggressive enough. I tried to explain to him that as the first woman to get to this level in American politics, she’s walking a tightrope between looking too ‘soft’ and being labeled a bitch for being too aggressive. As

Remember how many of us were like, “I hope Obama doesn’t get assassinated during his inaugeration.” Well, I wish I could say I am not thinking the same about Clinton. 

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.