
I used to love Bourdain but lately I’m finding him becoming increasingly insufferable and cringe-worthy. He tries way too hard, his blase musings are desperately unfunny and his cynicism is more downright rude than wittily irreverent. It makes perfect sense for him to be dating Asia Argento, who is as irritating and

Bourdain cavalierly dumped his wife of nearly 30 years for a younger model and now he has “traded up” once again so he might as well shut the fuck up. No need to trash Hillary as a means of impressing his new hot number. He’s a blowhard.

I’m so sorry about your daughter. ❤️

I will never forget the days we found out we lost our babies. The most recent one, last summer, was supposed to just be a quick, 16 week check up. My husband didn’t go-and I needed to be back at work in an hour for a high profile meeting. Instead, my amazing doctor couldn’t find the heartbeat. He wheeled in the

Oh man, thank you for sharing. And I am so sorry for your loss.

I don’t watch this show, but the realness of this scenario choked me up. Sixteen years ago my daughter was stillborn at full-term and some of my most comforting “memories” are the moments where I am feeling broken by the loss and I put her back into my narrative. I see her in the passenger seat of my car as I drive,

Over a year after my miscarriage, I was at a 2 year-olds b-day party. The second half of the party was to be spent at a children’s museum that doesn’t allow non-parents to enter (for understandable safety reasons). I didn’t know that, and I mentioned to my friend “oh, are we going to the museum too?” and her mom said

The way the narrative was framed, with one of her future descendants narrating the episode, and then to find out it was figment of PC’s imagination, that she invented to comfort herself during a time of stress was so fucking heartbreaking. I think we all have these imaginary scenarios that work as coping mechanisms

Or if Zuckerberg maybe gave a fuck about all the ridiculous lies he was spreading far and wide to get even more $

Or, you know... if white women had decided not to vote for the guy who bragged about grabbing pussies...

Dannnnnggggg can’t a ho shine????? She literally went from the strip club to top of the charts..... give her cred where it’s due

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

I don’t usually laugh at puns but I kept busting up at the running gag of them this season.

Personally, I thought this season was the best yet. By showing so many of the characters without BoJack in their lives, we got to see them deal with their own issues, and for the most part, all of the hurdles the side characters face are of their own making.

They’re tired of the bullshit, the political correctness, using our tax dollars to bring in people from Syria and Somalia, all this other stuff with homosexuality.

Yes, because you could get coxsackie, which is nothing for a kid but nasty for adults. I’ve had it.

NOT OKAY. Seriously I cannot with people that do this, it is so unbelievably rude and vile.

You should be disgusted. There are a lot of gross people in the world.

If I am eating at a restaurant and I see anyone’s butthole, I want an apology and a free dinner. Buttholes are a dealbreaker. And this is regardless of whether the butthole in question is a ten second butthole or a 15 minute butthole. Also, butthole is an intrinsically funny word, so kudos to Chelsea for using it

I would *really* like to know from whom the Hobby Lobby asswipes bought these artifacts. I have a sick feeling that the answer is ‘Daesh.’