
Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.

Nice to see men secure enough to support Hillary.

I’m not. But then I’ve had long-term autoimmune issues and it shook me to the ground. It was smaller scale than her stuff and still, it sucked the life out of me and was the governing factor for any decision I made for three years— sorry husband, kids, work, friends... Her experience of oscillating between trying to

That was unnecessary and kind of mean.

My goodness, she really can’t say a single thing without being criticized. This is a perfectly reasonable answer.

Who would you rather have making the argument?

What should she do? In concrete terms, what is the right thing for her to do in your opinion?

we have a toddler. twice a week is a lot for us.

Thank you so much for sharing your story.

In the interview, she also states that she is “completely self made” because her parents supposedly cut her off financially at 18. Later she goes on to mention working on Hook, which coincidentally was directed by her godfather, “uncle Steven.” As in Spielberg. But she’s completely self made.

Sorry to be “that person” at the party, but I can’t get onboard with mocking this kid. Her convicted criminal parents have forced her to be on tv since she was little, I can’t help but pity her.

Thank you! There have been a couple of scares but so far we’re both healthy and doing good. I’m still scared, but I know the odds are in my favor.

A really close family friend of mine had a child with microcephaly, although the doctors did not call it that at the time and had little information about what could have caused it, saying, “It’s possible it was a virus.” The child was only able to live for 3 months, and it was a life that was mostly suffering. What

So all three of my incredibly bizarre crushes DIED in the last seven days. Bowie, Rickman, and fox Robin Hood. I can't even deal with this right now. So much sadness.

It is not. Most households can’t afford that.

I LOVE how people just casually suggest that working from home is equivalent to maternity leave, like it’s so easy to work while caring for a newborn. The first three months with my second born were so intense that taking a shower felt like a major accomplishment.

I’m a picker, too. I pick ALL day. All day. It’s totally a stress-relieving activity, which is not the right way to deal with stress. It leaves my skin a mess. I pick at things that don’t really even exist, until there is something that crops up. It’s a horrible habit, and I don’t know how to stop it.

She needs to raise awareness for African wildlife next!

Literally throwing away good food in a way that intentionally shames children is completely unreasonable.

How was trashing the meal going to save anyone money though? There’s no excuse for that.