
To me, the pattern was too small to say "watermelon". With her being so much more slender above her adorably-giant-pregnant-belly, it just reminded me of the shape and skin of a Haas avocado. She looks amazing, but that dress was just... wrong.

Alyson Hannigan looks disturbingly like an avocado in that profile shot in frame 3. (Note: this is not a slur against pregnant ladies, Alyson Hannigan, or even avocados. All three of them are lovely, I just wasn't expecting the combination.)

I'm kind of intrigued by your story. I don't doubt that it really happened, but the way you describe it makes it sound like "sleep paralysis." Was there any evidence that the guy was really in your room?

Are you implying that bulk linoleum is anything shorter than the most erotic form of flooring? I find your bigotry to be deeply offensive! Some of us linole-men are perfectly happy forming a loving relationship with bulk linoleum. (Personally, I prefer it when it's laid out on the ground... so smooth... so sexy.

Political candidates, please take a moment to repeat this mantra while you're on the campaign trail: "I will do my very best to stop putting phallic objects in my mouth while the press is nearby." You're just making it too easy for us internet jackasses. I want to feel like I've had to work to make you look stupid.

What's an "ad?" Oh, are you referring to those things I used to see on the internet before I turned on adblockPlus? Every time I try to be nice to a site I like and turn it off, I always end up regretting the decision within moments.

I don't think the title was implying that (although I can see how you got there.) The point here is that due to social stigma, one of the major testing cycles of an AIDS drug ended up with severely skewed data. The tests made it appear less effective than it (probably) actually is because people were falsely

Although I'm fairly confident you're trolling me, I made this graphic to illustrate just how wrong you are. I purposely left the state a bit smaller than the cookie when I superimposed it, so that you can see how well the shape matches up. (Also, I've never been very good at using GIMP to manipulate perspective.) [im

Yes, but you're arguing science against something that is basically magic. Unless they're "28 Days Later" zombies (or something equally sciencey), your assumption that the basic laws of biomechanics apply to walking corpses, something that by definition shouldn't be walking due to a prior state of "dead", is just

I find it interesting that you're so confident that animated corpses would need water for some reason. I don't want to double post, so instead, i'll recommend that you read my reply to @ceverman. Also, where are you planning to go to get that "more food, water and ammo?" Back to a town filled with zombies? Or some

Not to be a giant douche or anything, but you clearly need to expand your knowledge of zombie lore. It totally depends on the type of zombies in question. Are we talking Romero zombies? Voodoo? RAGE virus? T Virus? HMHVV-Kreiger Strain? Sheddim? Walking Dead? The Crossed (easily the most unpleasant zombies ever. Do

Did you get so wasted that you needed to use the "water gun attack" by the end of the night?

"Being a consumer is pointless," Roles continued. "I want the children to produce cheap plastic crap. This is why I suggest that parents send a few of the least popular children to work in a Chinese factory for a year! These social pariahs, or 'poors' as I prefer to call them, will be learning valuable skills and

I'm not sure I follow your logic that zombies, the walking dead, can't be immortal. They're already dead and they're still after you. Is it a safe assumption that they'll somehow end up "more dead" after a year or so?

Correction: decaying human bodies float. First they sink, then they float, then they sink again. Unless the body is very fat, it is likely to be more dense than water at death. During the process of decay, bacteria consuming the corpse create methane inside the body, reducing its density, allowing it to float.

Yeah, until the zombies eventually walk there underwater. I would be extremely hesitant to go anywhere that wasn't line of sight from a sailboat. Preferably one with a solar-powered backup motor.

I've always been a fan of the "get a sailboat, a large amount of nutritional supplements and some fishing gear" method of zombie survival. I can't think of a single scenario where being on land gives you a long-term chance at survival.

Totally serious. That is in the shape of Michigan, not a heart. Flat bottom, odd swell to the east near where Detroit would be, right shape for the "thumb", vaguely pointy tip. You can even see Grand Traverse Bay!

HFCS... sugar... yadda yadda yadda... What I want to know is why there's a graphic of a cookie shaped like Michigan's lower peninsula with the word "EVIL" drawn on top it?

Somewhere in the halls of DC, a team of musty old men finishes their exhaustive search of legal precedent. "It doesn't say that an otter cant run for president. Also, the closet legal case also states that dogs can participate in professional sports, per Air Bud v NBA"