
Not a requirement, per se, but it certainly goes a long way towards establishing legitimacy.

"Or maybe it was about something TOTALLY unrelated."

I love and support your hilarious idea of the MLV. I would just like to see the reactions of the people who lose that competition. "Bwa!? But I can totally give birth! Just give me 9 months! I can do it! Don't kick me off! I can do it in 7 months if I really rush things! MY VAGINA IS TOTALLY LEGITIMATE!"

Gizmodo (and all other Gawker sites): Come for the news, stay for the offensive levels of snark.

I used to live in Japan, teaching in Kyushu. My comfort-food cravings were epic, so please believe me when I say I feel your pain. I used to pay my friends/family to mail me stuff like that from home. Every once in a while, my best friend would get a paypal payment of like 50 dollars and a request to mail something

Well, at least he was the second time around.

May I rebut with the Steve Martin version of "The Spanish Prisoner"? Note: Despite starting Steve Martin, this is not a comedy.

Love that show, even when they badly butcher American accents. (It really was painful to hear that one guy play a "texas oil man".)

For both topical and musical reasons, I would like to take a moment to recommend the song "Ballad of Barry Allen" by the group Jim's Big Ego. The perfect song to listen to while you're trapped in slomo hell forever. (edit for spelling)

Without any reference of scale, my first thought was "pre-cooked pouch of Indian food."

Is it made out for Leeloo Dallas? If not, I'm not interested.

If you have an Android phone, you can get the program "Tasker" to do exactly that. It has a library of about 150 states (many of which are variable) that it can identify on you phone and then perform a pre-programed action. For example, i've got one that works out to "If playing mp3s AND phone is face down, pause

Nope. The official policy of Fuckthepooristan is to require employees to submit weekly thank you letters in exchange for being given the opportunity to work in unpaid internships on an indefinite basis. After submitting no less than ten thank you letters, the "employees" are then given access to merit-based pay of

I had assumed that was intentional.

I'm still not entirely sure that PBR should actually qualify as a drinkable beer. As far as I'm concerned, it's only good for cooking with.

Nah, it's Torentius Maximus combined with Divixium Divinora. Alternatively, one quaff of a "Downloading Draught" should also get you pretty much the same result. Totalo Pirata just summons an entire buccaneer.

Those puns were terrible. They totally made me snorlax.

No matter how much the Frothy One claims to be religious, I'm still somewhat amazed that he is able to cross the threshold of a church without bursting into flames.

They do. Most of their shows are "opinion based." They love using weasel words such as "leading some people to claim" or by generalizing one person's opinion and implying it's fact, "[clearly false thing X] is true, claims Iowa bank manager Steve Smith."

Duh. Freedom of Information (About Your Va-Jay-Jay) Act.