
"Michelle, if you don't score better than a 65%, you can't enjoy your congressional recess like everyone else. Now, I know you understand what the first amendment is about. Let's try it again and see if you can get above a 35%."

Or possibly they will be the world's worst human beings ever. The "Preachers Daughter" syndrome could come into play at epic levels here.

The way your note parsed out in my head: if all people were sane, we wouldn't have to deal with crazy people.

I'm kind of curious as to how the charges were handled. "Indecent exposure" for showing off an object that resembles genitals seems a bit... odd. I totally want to see the specific law he was cited under. (Disorderly conduct seems like it is fairly appropriate.)

Overeducation is actually a thing. It's not that you know too much, it's that you're vastly overqualified for the job you want, which can make it hard to find employment. Why hire someone with a PHD when a guy with a BA is cheaper? Rush is using the term incorrectly, as far as I can tell from the context of this

Surprisingly, I actually thought out the answer to your question before I hit submit: It's a multidisciplinary project, and the oceanographer is the lead on the "dampness" phase. The leader of the secondary phase (fire is hot) is a chemist specializing thermogenics. The point of the program is to verify that obvious

The production team is planning on calling it "Extremely Bitchy and Incredibly Litigious."

In other news, scientists released reports today proving conclusively that the Pacific ocean is "fairly damp." "We felt it was important to the advancement of scientific theory to let people know that the ocean is 'damp.' Within the next 18 months, one of our secondary teams hopes to confirm that fire is still

People do tend to be unhappy in a superheated cloud of highly toxic sulfur compounds.

I don't think we should be turning over Dread Scott on Rush's behalf. (Although, something tells me Rush wouldn't mind.) ;-)

Thank you for labeling this. I totally thought it was the world's sexiest picture of Scott Baccula.

Sure, he may be a malevolent, destructive, hate filled avatar of a dead god, intent on crushing or consuming everything around him, but that's no need to compare him to... Oh, wait. Yeah. Uh. Totally apt comparison. Go about your business.

Devil's advocate here: what if I'm driving the car and my passenger needs to make a call? There's really no good reason to block him from doing so. How about during an emergency? Also, what if I'm just walking around and using my bluetooth? Or how about riding a bus and not being a douche bag by shouting?

The tech to track those long term is fairly cheap. No more than a couple hundred dollars each for medical-grade sensors on the used market. (Depending on size, age of tech, output type, you can probably find them even cheaper.)

The kids are just having fun. All 3 of them.

Nope. Was totally planning to post an image from about 2 seconds later in the film.

Ms. Lohan feels no pain because it's kind of hard to do so when you've consumed all the coke in a 6 block radius. Sans coke, she'd still feel less pain that you.

Or pie! Oh god! Just think of all the kitchens with no pies baking in them. (On that note, I think I'm gonna go buy a pie. I'm hungry.)

Well, "safer" does not actually mean "safe." You'd be "safer" in an atomic bomb blast if you were wearing a bullet proof vest. You'd still be vaporized, but you'd have been "safer" while it happened.

Hence the "few very specific exceptions" I mentioned. The other big ones being lible, slander and threats of violence.