
Freedom of speech does, in fact, protect you from government retaliation for disrespecting private citizens who are not like you. With a few very specific exceptions, there's not much the government can do to you for speaking. However, the thing that the first amendment doesn't do is protect you from corporations,

"Is it too late to abort Rick Santorum?"

"At the park" and "on a public street" (such as at a bus stop) strike me as just about the only places it would be difficult to enforce. I don't know a whole lot about breast feeding, but I assume the mother needs a place to sit for a few minutes. Given that assumption, most places where people can sit in public are

I pretty much agree with @LittleSpider. It would be pretty hard to enforce against "Random Jerk On the Street" easy to enforce against businesses, schools, etc. Perhaps if you've got witnesses who can identify the harasser (for example, you're in the park and recognize the crazy person as being the manager of the

Wait... Uh.. why was that funny again? I stepped out to get some cheese. And uh, celery, apparently.

That would be "ballsy" or "dickish" depending on how you feel about the behavior in question. And hearted for being the only other person I've seen use the word "hysterical" correctly in a pun.

"article said no permissions required for reading photos."

Just for giggles, check the etymology of the word "hysterical." I spent nearly 5 minutes laughing at what I assumed was an unintentionally hilarious joke. (If you actually meant it as a joke, you are my hero for the day.)

Your logic on the "sluts should be using condoms" thing is pretty solid, but all sorts of slutty and non-slutty ladies use birth control for reasons not limited to allowing unprotected sex. The reason they keep targeting "sluts" is that it's quite a bit easier to makes "sluts" seem worse than "Bernice in accounting

I'm sure you can request a binding arbitration at their site with their "completely neutral" arbiter.

I wonder if they have an ATM machine on the ISS Space Station.

I must know: when Sweety is in a relationship, what lovey-dovey name does her significant other use? I'm torn between wanting it to be offensive or extremely boring.

As a guy who rarely gets laid, I'm not sure I can support your proposed bill. There's really no point in me carrying around condoms most of the time. Sure, if I head out to a club or something, I'll bring a couple with me, but don't make me bust out the skate-boarding-style "not getting laid regularly is not a

It could just be me. I have a reputation for being able to spot animals better than most people. I'm always the guy who spots a hawk in a tree while driving at expressway speeds. I was actively watching for scorpions and a good chunk of my time in Colorado was spent in the desert areas (the other half of the time

I typically overlook editing issues with Giz posters because I enjoy their commentary. This post contained an obvious grammatical error. Your fellow posters would appreciate correct usage of the question mark in posts tasking Giz on grammar issues.

Men carrying condoms are assumed to be awesome and deserving of high-fives. It's okay for dudes, slutty for ladies. I could have sworn I saw that memo around here somewhere. I'll have Sharon in NYPD HR fax a copy to you when she gets back from lunch.

You're not alone in that initial assumption. The voice is very similar, but Leonard has a a stronger nasal tone. (Plus, uh the credits say it was someone else)

I'm from the midwest, but the only place I've ever seen a wild scorpion without the assistance of a black light (black lights make them glow! awesome!) was in Colorado. CO is not a scorpion free zone.

Nope. I totally thought it would be St Petersberg Florida as well.

As far as I know, it's just Michigan. His budget is extremely small and he more or less admits he can't win, but is willing to invest his time and money into "paving the way" for the next generation of gay candidates. (The NPR story was kind of brief, his website is useless and his wiki-page doesn't list that