
So you're advocating a system where publishers filter crap for plumbers? Shouldn't that work the other way around?

For some reason, they always manage to turn X-squared into XY. It has something to do with the transitive property of misogyny.

Oh, i'm fairly confident that people consider it porn... but if your goal is to make The Frothy One uncomfortable (or give him a boner, depending on what you assume his orientation actually is), dudes engaged in male-to-male sexy-times is probably the way to go. The image loses a bit of it's dramatic punch once you

Part of your argument runs on a faulty assumption: "people use silverlight."

I was unlucky enough to have to sit through Jon Krakauer's "inspirational speaking" spiel during a high school assembly. The man was so incredibly boring he some how managed to make almost dying on Everest sound uninteresting. He was promptly rebranded as "Jon Crackwhore" around our school. Creative? No. Does it

Well, death is certainly a life changing experience. I see no flaw with the argument.

In the last year, I have not worried about pregnancy even once while having sex. Even though I am (AFIAK) fertile, there is zero chance that any of the men I've had sex with will get me pregnant. Okay, I admit, I'm being totally misleading here - I'm also a guy and in the last year or so, all of my sex has been with

As awesome as that image is, there's a fair number of images in there that are clearly not gay porn, including a picture of a pregnant lady and the world's creepiest mugshot.

Sometimes it's even worse: car accidents cause the death of a fetus! As we all know, fetus > person.

This usage of the word "disappear" is fairly similar to the Hollywood/spy/gangster usage to "make something go away." As in: "Tony Soprano had that guy disappeared" or "We'll have to disappear Agent Smith, he's getting out of control." Also, there's nothing wrong with the title; the author only claims that HER acne

"They also have to have had someone stick something in there."

Medical (as opposed to surgical) abortions do not require anything to be "stuck in there." Depending on the procedures used, chemicals that cause the body to reject the fetus are administered orally or intravenously. What you're thinking of is a surgical abortion, which is less common, more expensive and more risky.

The general concern comes from the fact that there is no medical reason to require this. Imagine if you went to the doctor with a sore throat and were informed that you need to have a colonoscopy before you can be issued antibiotics for your throat. How quickly would you drop your shorts? This procedure is now

I came here to post pretty much exactly what you wrote. I am a sad panda now that my Inteli-Mouse Explorer is broken. I may barely tolerate Microsoft's software out of convenience, but you will never hear me say a bad thing about their keyboards and mice.

Can you name a more obnoxious way to get your ad out than making your competitor pay for all the hosting costs? (Admittedly, the google ads that will certainly show up over the top of it may detract from the intent, but it's still kind of awesome.)

One of my favorite stupid hobbies is playing a few rounds of "confuse the google overlords." Basically, when I get bored, I'll throw in a few completely insane google searches to spoil their data about me. I consider it a "win" when the targeted ads begin to mention my crazy topics. Some of my favorites are:

My classic beef with peer reviewed research is "the entire field of Sociology." There are any number of sociologists who review eachother's work to prove its validity. Unfortunately, it's still not science. I'm sure there's an excellently reviewed Journal of Homeopathy and Creation Science where all the crazies go

Based on this article, I'm now super confident that Girl Scouts of America are educating young ladies to engage in parthenogenesis. When will the madness end!?

I realize that your post was a joke, but it drives me nuts when people claim that research is "invalid" until it's peer reviewed. It might be less reputable, but being reviewed by peers doesn't automatically make bad research good nor does the lack of review make good research bad. It just means that some other

Apple to France: "You don't frighten us, French pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called nation, you and all your silly mandatory 7 day return policy. Thpppppt! Thppt! Thppt!"