
Just use that clip from Alien^3 where you can see the xenomorph in Ripley's abdomen. Good stuff.

Interesting point. I'm totally interested to see how this one terns out. My guess? "Fuck the handicapped. More fetuses for everyone! Huzzah!" Either that or no doctor who would otherwise be willing to perform an abortion would ever think of insulting a blind person so horribly.

Agreed. Although I gotta admit, pink rims are pretty awesome.

I'm assuming that the objection is not "Red Lobster and bowling are bad" but "dates for abusers with their victims" may not be an adequate punishment. Although given the quality of food I've had at Red Lobster and how much I loathe bowling, I'm not sure if I'd prefer jail or this date.

I'm not exactly seeing your problem with this plan.

Nice looking lady in a shower: free

It's been there for at least a couple of months. I first noticed it in December, i think.

There can be only one "Slick Rick." He is not amused by your post.

Yeah, I got the same impression. The author should had said something like "wins against" instead of "won over." (Even that isn't accurate, but it's significantly less confusing.)

You have clearly misused the phrase "no cream pies." This should read as "Only cream pies."

Something I would really love to see is a companion series to Bones about the horrific PTSD that the people in the cold-opens end up suffering from. "Let's make out in the park. OH GOD A CORPSE JUST FELL ON US! OH NO! IT'S STUCK IN MY HAIR!" That lady will require years of therapy before she'll be interested in

They do. For a while. Once you get to a certain point in decomposition, there just isn't much left to be all that fragrant. Given the fact that it's Milwaukee, there's a good chance that the house had central air/heat, and enough of the smell was covered up by filtration that people nearby didn't notice it.

I work in a city with a fairly high Latino population for my area, and constantly get dirty looks from Latino customers when I don't understand Spanish. I feel like a bit of an ass for not understanding the second most common language in this area. I do, however, speak pretty good German and Japanese, which are both

"Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" is good. "Black Elk Speaks" is better.

Nothing says "sexy" like pepper in your privates.

Yeah, but Regan also had Alzheimer's Disease, so he may have actually been telling the truth. (I think he was totally lying, but I'm a bit hesitant to say that for certain about a guy who was pretty clearly in the early stages of senility towards the end of his second term.)

It's been a while, but I've definately done that in the past. Not sure if there's a more recent non-compatible version of .psd (adobe does have a reputation for making their stuff fail to play well with others)

Dashboard video cameras. One of those has got to be worth at least a few rubles.

If I was attending a rave and someone started whipping a sea anemone around, I would be more than a little freaked out. I cannot in good conscience support your plan unless you mostly attend raves with clownfish.

I'm assuming the hypothetical lazy river is fairly shallow, so it's unlikely you'd actually drown in it, but you could very easily fall off your raft and unintentionally get your hair wet if you had a severe enough cramp. If there's one thing I learned as a child about cramps and swimming, it's that waiting 20