
Just remember to wait at least 20 minutes. You don't want to get a cramp or something.

I'm a child of the 80's and teen of the 90's. As far as I can recall, she had like 2-3 songs that were vaguely worth listening to. Oh, and she did an okay job in the Larry Flynt movie. Her only real claim to fame is that she was in a horrifying relationship with an extremely talented, extremely depressed young man

Well, I feel I've done my part by recently having gay sex with a Chinese immigrant. Huzzah for juking the stats!

During my times of diminished inclination to marry, I've considered getting married to a foreign lesbian just so she could get US citizenship and there would be no expectations from the fake wedding. (For clarification: do not want a "mail order bride" where there is any expectation of intimacy on either of our

That's a terrible picture of Karl Rove. I think. Wait, is he the one on the left or the right? Perhaps this is why some meats are not Kosher?

I miss Ari, and his giant amusing muppet head. I don't miss anything he wrote or said, just his amusing cranium.

Commercials, booths, fliers. Pretty much anything you can think of to let people know that breast cancer is a thing that exists.

Well, given the fact that it was a sorority in question, I'm betting that it was a textbook. I don't know about you, but getting whacked in any joint by a heavy object can ruin your day. It is surprisingly easy to break an ankle with force exerted from the side.

I have a really hard time throwing out any clothing that isn't clearly damaged beyond my (limited) ability to repair them. When I make the decision that an article of clothing needs to be disposed of, I almost always rip/cut/tear it in a way that can't be fixed so that I can't go back and take it from the trash.

No, just force them to listen to one of the more meandering songs by The Doors.

Don't forget their missile defense system! (Wish I were kidding.)

Even more depressing to think about: sex work =! condoms.

Echo that statement about joking. I once dated a girl who had been raped several years before we were together. I have never heard another human being make as many rape jokes as she did. It was clearly a defense mechanism to help her cope, but I had no idea how to act in reply. It actually made me super

Do you speak Space Esperanto? Oh well... ROYAL RAINBOW!

I very rarely see people using any of those services during a movie. Perhaps I'm lucky enough to live in a very polite area, but I'm more inclined to think that it's because I don't waste my time and money on shitty movies. If you're bored enough watching a movie that twitter seems like a viable option, that's

Personally, I'm a "life begins at viability" kind of guy and have zero problem with any abortion that takes place before that point. The only reason I made my initial comment to you was that your statistic was phrased in a way that would immediately get pounced on by the anti-choice crazies. If you've got no problem

Well, there is always the "oldest profession," but it's been my understanding that quality health care is not generally one of the perks.

Ah, the joys of legal jargon. Real words with definitions that are commonly accepted by normal people have no place in a court of law. There is a difference between being an actual person and legally being a person. It's insane stuff like this that takes up a good chunk of law school. This link [dictionary.law.com]

True, but I just whipped up the quickest counterexample I could come up with.

Gay felons in Florida can't do any of those things either. They're still people.