
Corporations have a "constitutionally protected right to free speech" per Citizens United vs FEC. Sounds like people to me.

Am I the only one who saw the "Swiss+Tech 7-in-1 Emergency Tool" and immediately thought "what is batman doing with a pocket vaporizer?"

I'm also a brewer and am intrigued by your Beerios recipe. I'm very much in the "do something crazy just to see how it turns out" camp of brewing. I specialize in oatmeal stouts, but make something crazy at least 1/3 of the time. My greatest crazy success is "Punjab Porter" a traditional porter infused with garam

@aardman is 100% correct. Your friend may just be a douche, not a libertarian. Any libertarian would be horrified by this type of law. (It's one of the very few things I have in common with libertarians.)

Not that I actually agree with this sentiment, but you gotta know that anti-choice folks are pretty much required by law to point out the "chance of death from a medical abortion is 100%." I realize what you're trying to say, but that's a statistic I'd avoid using when actually discussing abortion with anti-choice

I haven't read the original proposal, but my assumption is that the "rectal exam" is actually a "prostate exam." Prostate function and erectile function can often be linked.

Oh, I fully agree that the US government ends up ignoring all sorts of human rights issues. I'm just sick of hearing the argument that the constitution doesn't protect non-citizens. It's so easily disprovable that every time I hear it, I just start quoting case law at people.

I'm totally okay with revoking citizenship for simply using twitter. Fame-whoring should be a capitol offense. /s

Since when? I'm going to go with "September 17, 1787." The constitution itself makes it pretty clear which rights are afforded to "persons" vs those of "citizens." The vast majority of those rights are explicitly for "persons," with only a few that are limited to "citizens." (For example, "citizens" can vote,

Note to self: try using the words "ruff" "woof" "bark" and "grrr" to hack BlueSoap's accounts.

For many moons, I used randomly selected words from the dictionary combined with easy to remember numbers. I once used the randomly created password "painfulUtiLityBELT314159" on an email account and got hacked anyway.

The problem lies in the fact that one million cats generating one million passwords will eventually generate something insecure... or perhaps Shakespeare.

I have in fact been so happy that I have done a jig. This is not particularly impressive though, as I enjoy doing silly little dances and will find almost any excuse to perform them.

No, you got a $10 case, not a $60 case. They always sell the thing for $10. It's like those furniture adds where "everything in the store is 60-90% off!" If it's always discounted, the discount is the actual price of the product.

He'd probably be relatively safe with the Daleks. They are beings of pure hatred. He'd fit right in.

Yeah, I got a very strong "I'm Chris Hanson, why don't you take a seat over there" vibe from the title.

A schooner is a sailboat, stupid head.

That must make watching DS9 kind of boring for you. I find it interesting that you'd allow "Enterprise" but rule out DS9 (I kind of understand ruling out Voyager).

Oh, that's probably also not true, Tofusaurus. The way that crocodillians feed is that they drag the prey underwater and spin several times in alternating directions to stun / drown the prey. She was most likely grabbed, and within a few seconds, pulled completely out of the sight of her family, to be killed