
Perhaps they're living in a state of denial or the state of confusion? I'd be a bit worried about people getting abortions in a state of bliss though.

It's pretty clearly established that the religious right only care that the baby is born, they could give two fucks less about what happens after that point.

No, I never got "grief counselor." I've gotten pretty high praise for my work with severely mentally impaired children though. I just think that things should be written correctly, not sensationalized. If you don't know enough about a topic to write about it accurately, you've really only got two good choices:

...all wrapped in a crispy gordita shell. Oh, and then all of that is wrapped in a newspaper and handed to the customer.

I guarantee that she was not "swallowed" by a crocodile. Unless this is the largest crocodile in the world and the girl was exceptionally small for her age, she was pulled underwater, killed, and eaten over the course of a day or two. Crocodiles just don't have the throat size to swallow something as large as a 10

Hopefully, at some point in the process, it will also be DIGESTION.

Repeat after me: Security. Theatre.

So glad that I'm not the only one who had that thought.

I would just like to go on record by saying "anything that makes Skymap better is a good thing in my book." As silly as it is, hearing about that app was one of the things that made me a fairly early adopter of Android.

You had better say it with much wink-wink-nudge-nudge action. If I were offered a ham sandwich and did not in fact end up with some combination of ham, cheese, bread, lettuce and mayo, I would be sorely disappointed. (Not that I'd turn down your version of the term, but why can't I have both?)

As a guy, I am right there with you. Having sex with someone who's asleep strikes me as being kind of, uh... well... rape. I dated a gal once who gave express permission that it was okay for me to "get things started" even if she was asleep (note: her suggestion. I did not request this!) In the six months or so

I love the sentiment of your last sentence, but your grammar is a bit off. The word "probably" is not needed. Unless your entire family history spontaneously manifested from the aether at some point after say 1100 AD, you definitely have an ancestor who did not speak English. (If you go much further back than that,

Yeah, I pretty much have the same sentiment. Thanks for supporting gay rights, and for the awesome ergonomic peripherals you sell! Mostly for the gay rights thing though.

Either way, I think this is just a warning to avoid sleeping with those researchers. They're clearly doing something very wrong.

Yeah, I mean, not to brag or anything, but in my experience sex is like climbing two flights of stairs over and over for about half an hour. Either I'm working way too much during sex or these researchers have some seriously intense staircases.

This sounds like the perfect time for a Fight Club quote!

I'm a tall guy. Just a hair under 6'4". While I am taller than average, it is not freakishly so. I can barely fit in an airline seat as they currently are. The last time I flew, my knees were pressed uncomfortably on the seat in front of me. I'm fairly confident that if they cut it down to 29" of leg room, I will

But he's so very good at it! It really is a shame when people don't put their talents to good use.

You know what? Fuck you and your stupid pride in yourself.

Snow's fantastic, thanks for asking!