
Nah, the best trolling ever would be if they linked a URL that fired the LOIC at users who were stupid enough to click on a link claiming to fire the LOIC.

I don't think Always Sunny does much to stereotype anybody except the moronic characters. It's clear that they're just the biggest idiots in their town, regardless of their ethnicity. When I think of that show I don't think "drunken Irishmen," I think "drunken idiots."

I can verify that "some guys don't cum from receiving oral sex." I'm a guy never once achieved orgasm from receiving oral sex. I'm fairly confident that this has nothing to do with the skills of the men and women who have tried to assist in the matter, it's just not what gets me off.

Well, by that logic, "for most of human history, people were fairly likely to die from a broken bone or strep infection." New technology changes things, learn to deal with it.

I frequently read at my favorite brew-pub. I frequently stop reading to chat with people, but I've made some pretty good friends by chilling out in public with a beer and a book. The trick to this method is the magical phrase "Hey, whatcha reading?"

"Schizophrenics are people too." I am trying really hard not to laugh at the use of the word "people" in that sentence.

Who said anything about being a woman? The name's LlamaLord, not LlamaLady. ;-)

Oh, if only there were a classy way to make "tight end" or "wide receiver" jokes.

I don't know, but even if that's true, do you really think that would stop a colossal douche-bag like Chris Brown from doing any damn thing he wanted?

As long as he didn't talk, I think I'd be next in line. Plus, I totally want to know if he "Tebows" before getting busy.

Well, yeah. As a nation, we try our best to forget the graphic photos of Newt participating in a Tijuana donkey show, circa 1977. (The question is, do you really want to commit Google-Seppuku to prove me wrong on this one?)

I... Can't comment directly on the Kim Kardashian Konnection to the Koala Konspiracy. Let's just say, I won't be surprised if Kim unexpectedly starts advocating a eucalyptus based diet program win the next 18-24 months.

That's because you've bought into the vast left-wing Koala Konspiracy. The news media doesn't want you to know that Koalas were entirely created by animatronics experts at Disney in 1974 as part of the work up for launching Epcot Center in 1982. Any memories you may have of Koalas predating 1974 have been implanted

Bigots. They can fail to be moved by pretty much anything.

"In Mario's world these inquisitive brick structures dot the landscape"

Not really clear how this is relevant, but that does not stop it from being awesome. You made an otherwise crappy day magically transmute to a good one with this post.

As a general rule, most geeks and nerds tend to be rather harsh on others "doing things poorly." If you're gonna bother to show something off, get it right, or GTFO. In my experience, most of my people respect skill and knowledge more than almost anything else. Lack either of those things? Get mocked.

Klingons. They look like Klingons.

Sadly, the taser is not hilarious enough to qualify for this list.

While this may be true, Texas =/= everywhere else. Victim blaming in the court system is depressingly common.