
Well, they did leave the word "solid" just hanging there... kind of like my... [hangs head in shame] I can't keep doing this. There's only so many poop jokes a man can make in a day before they start to hurt his soul.

I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying. I actually strongly support abortion rights. My entire argument hinges on the idea that everybody is entitled to an opinion. The value of that opinion can (and should) be carefully considered based on education, life experience, etc. A person need not be

I don't know about "leading me astray," but Samoas were the first food to ever trigger my tree-nut allergy. Everything they make aside from the shortbread kinda freaks me out ever since.

"Ancient Aliens" is solid in much the same way as my last bowel movement. Additionally, it probably also stinks as much as my last bowel movement.

The idea of you using a white glove to slap Mittens has put me into a fit of giggles. Too many puns.

I totally parsed the grammar of this title wrong in my head. Thought they were checking this guy's virginity and/or charging him with a crime.

Simply rooting your phone will do absolutely nothing to your apps, contacts, etc. If you replace your rom with a new one (for example, switching to cyanogen mod), you'll need to reinstall your apps and use some sort of backup utility for your contacts (the listed Titanium Backup works well for the apps, there's about

Hey, don't talk that way about Harry Potter! He's a fine, upstanding young wizard, even if he is clearly being raised by the Santorum family!

I used to live in Japan, where suicide-by-train is fairly common. I once had a conversation with a conductor about his feelings on the matter. He shrugged, said in English "This driver: three people," gave me a crazy grin and a thumbs up. He's the only person I've ever know to have killed someone in an unavoidable

If you're a fan of that characterization, you'll love the fact that my friends and I refuse to call her anything but "Michelle 'crazier than a sack full of electric weasels' Bachmann."

Obamacare uses money. Money is used in the economy. Therefore, Obamacare is destroying the economy... and.. uh... religion?

Yeah, I was kind of confused by this as well. My assumption is that it's a vague allusion to "Obamacare Death Panels" or possibly assisted suicide, but it's really not clear. Perhaps she's just anti-murder-by-ghosts, or using dark-side force powers that "some would consider unnatural." No matter how you parse it

Your argument is falacious. By that logic, congress shouldn't be able to vote on issues of immigration since most of them are native citizens. The president couldn't sign a law on immigration because by law he can't be an immigrant.

Frankly, I find your post offensive. I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, no mater how fucking stupid it may be, and regardless of their uterus ownership status. Your right to have an abortion (or not, as you so choose) does not overrule someone else's right to disagree with you. Personally, I

Well, you can fix stupid, put people tend to get all upset and complain that eugenics programs are unethical.

[waves hand] You don't need to see my credit card.

As long as you don't ask me to dress up as Yoda and deliver the "size matters not" dialogue, I could deal. There's so many great Vader lines to mangle or take horribly out of context in that situation, I don't know if I'd be able to stop laughing though.

By further extending our SF STD jokes, we should also warn against "Robo Gonorrhea: The Noisy Killer" and my favorite fictional STD of all time STORM (from the comic "Top Ten").

Did you actually fail at using "fail"? That's incredibly meta.

Agreed 100%. I thought the coloration on the left pannel was much worse and the overall detail is much more cluttered (and thus harder to read!)