
Good video, but man oh man, was that last scene heavy-handed.

Hulk no want to turn head and cough! Hulk also not want prostate exam!

5th grade is usually "DARE" year (in places that still do DARE), so anything that sounds like the name of a drug sends giggles through the classroom. LCD monitors? Check. A pot of soup? Check. Pulling weeds from a garden? Check.

The thing I find chilling is that until yesterday it was totally legal to do just that.

If I hadn't already hearted you months ago, your awesome Gingrich-bashing spree today would have done the trick. Keep it up!

It's totally cool. We understand that you were just born that way.

The guy from "Art vs Science" wins this round. [youtu.be]

I'm gonna go with "his beard is pretty epic." And... uh... Watchmen? No, wait. He made Rorshach the hero at the end. Damnit. Yeah, human languages and an epic beard. Oh! He's tall, and tall people such as he and I will one day rule all of the short people when we refuse to get boxes down from high shelves, so

Pepsi Throwback is better than any Coke made in America. In my opinion, from worst to best: normal Pepsi, normal Coke, Pepsi Throwback, "Glass bottle Mexican Coca Cola." I really wish that the best cola I know wasn't like $3.50 a bottle around here. Note: I'm not one of those crazy "no high-fructose corn syrup"

Of course there's another option: some writers at men's magazines are actually rapists. I'm actually kind of curious as to what kind of background checking goes into getting a job at Maxim or FHM. The answer: probably not nearly enough.

I've been considering buying one of those handset thingys for a couple of years. It's not a luddite thing for me - I'm the biggest tech junkie I know. I just kinda miss cradling the phone between my shoulder and ear while I do something else. I know this is why people have bluetooth headsets, but you don't need to

It changes what he's convicted of, as I'm willing to bet the penalty for kidnapping is less than attempted murder.

But... I am a poof who is better than the driver! What's the correct reply for me to use in that situation?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say NSFH, not safe for humans. I read it just to see what the hoopla was about, and have become increasingly convinced that something is deeply wrong with Alan Moore. He's approaching Garth Ennis levels of creepy.

While I understand your argument, the generally accepted safety levels of Plan B and the emergency nature of the drug itself could very easily make it too prohibitive to acquire exactly when it's needed most. Imagine a scenario such as this: a low-income, 17 year old woman in a rural area has sex on Friday night and

I think @RadderthanRad's argument is that since Plan B has the same basic compounds as traditional birth control, and traditional birth control requires a prescription, Plan B should also require a prescription.

Not quite "usually prescription." Plan B is only a prescription drug for users under 17. As an adult, I can walk into the pharmacy and buy dozens of doses if I so choose. I'll admit, I can't afford to buy any doses, and as a man, this would be doubly pointless, but the freedom remains. Personally, I think these

I'm totally unclear on this point. Do you, or do you not like the song "A Wonderful Christmas Time?" The sudden onset of dwarf rape fantasies isn't a generally accepted measure of how much someone enjoys a song, rule 34 being what it is. It's just not clear to the reader if you're assaulting the dwarves out of

Well, of course *you* can't imagine it: your tiny, female brain is clearly too addled by original sin and morning-after pills, heathen! ;-)

Youtube comments are where the absolute worst of humanity spend their time. It could be a video of a kitten doing nothing but sitting on a sofa, looking cute and some troll is gonna figure out a way to make a racist, ignorant, vitriolic and completely insane comment like "cats r gey. its prally a mexican AIDS cat."