
Um, yes? I think it's pretty clear that it's a religious power trip designed at the core to ensure that women have less power than men. I'm fairly confident that if you ask most anti-choice people, they will flat out admit that they believe women should be subservient to men. It's the fundamental flaw of their

Seconded on the "awesome name," even if it is the go-to name for "Generic Gay Bar #7" in every movie ever, it still makes me laugh.

Hey, I'm just happy when I can find a person who doesn't drive me crazy. I can't afford to be picky enough to also rule people out based on their genitals. ;)

Ahh, well then, you'll understand what I mean when I say "the tip of the pinky finger is mostly good people." North of Lansing, the second you'd not getting pounded on by lake effect snow, you're probably in a scary place.

I'm bi, so I can only be blamed for AIDS, global warming and the feeling of popcorn shell-fragments getting stuck in your gums (don't try to pass off the "whole kernel" issue on me!)

This man is not in fact a serious candidate for president. He's a wildly unpopular blowhard who has a bunch of ultra conservative religious groups backing him simply to get their message of hate out. Nobody, not even Rick, thinks he's got a chance of winning this.

"But I think skinny jeans are strange and I don't ask the police to cut them off of people."

As a native Michigander, I can soundly say "you're mostly right in your assessment." There is a major exception to this rule however: if your town gets boatloads of tourist dollars because it's within 20 minutes of the world's largest body of fresh water, it's probably less conservative.

Yes! Totally obscene and should not be allowed. (No matter howhot it is!)

My idiot friend got kicked out of a McDonalds and was told they were going to call the cops, for ordering a "McGangbang." The only reason I find this amusing is that a "McGangbang" is not actually a sexual thing, it's a combination of a McChicken and a McDouble.

Yes, but if you can accidentally confuse the products from diet to regular, the mistake would be just as easy to make in the other direction. I could easily see my grandmother, who only drinks diet, keeping a 12 pack of regular on hand for guests, getting confused, and giving a diet to one of us.

I'm not. By default Verizon has their own uninstallable app built into their Android phones. I forget what it's called because I rooted and went to a custom ROM about an hour after I bought my Droid Incredible, but it's fairly obvious and unsubtle (MyVerizon?). The issue with Carrier IQ is that it runs like a

I think the joke is that they're comparing Carrier IQ to an STD, thus showing penicillin is a reference to "curing Carrier IQ"? It's a pretty lame joke, but what graphics could generate pageviews for a rootkit? They're kind of boring to look at.

There are a number of different strains of cannabis, with wildly different concentrations of THC and cannabanoids. Many moons ago, when I was still smoking weed, I found that "Indicia" strains that were low THC and high cannabanoid were much more pleasant and aggravated my anxiety significantly less. I'm always

Honestly, for some of us this is actually a serious issue. Both my sister and I have a really annoying "allergic" reaction to diet sodas. (I put "allergic" in quotes because afiak, it's not actually a histimine response: i get severe headaches, nausea, dizziness and my mouth goes numb. Antihistimines do nothing to

I agree with stre. I'm pretty sure these are a tech demo, not how they'd look on an actual car. Just toss some rubber over the sides (apparently this is called a "sidewall"? Learn something new every day.), and you'd be all set.

Actually, Dell employs extremely potent "Pixel Pixies" for just that purpose! Way to confuse pixies and elves, racist. ;D

The first time I ever had Hormel canned chilli as a kid, my immediate reaction was as follows:

I am totally saddened to learn that jello is not actually a type of cake. Way to ruin my day, man!

So, Jim... You know what I'm about to ask...