
Yeah, I'm with you on that first part. For a moment, I totally thought he was holding two guns very awkwardly.

Once again, the octopus shows its intelligence by living underwater away from most sources of fire.

As a bi guy who has been told repeatedly that he is quite good at oral sex performed on both men and women, I would like to take a moment to share my view of the infamous "alphabet trick."

Stolen from a post here a few weeks ago: I'll believe a corporation is a person the moment Texas executes one.

Laugh while you can, Lectroid scum!

The internet is not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.

Sarah Palin > Michelle Bachmann. Sure, they're both evil and insane, but Palin is slightly less evil and insane. Plus, Palin gives up far more quickly than Bachmann, which can only be applauded in my opinion.

There are many reason I've had you hearted for months. This is but one more added to the pile. :D

The formula is actually pretty simple: take the last name of your mother and add a first name selected by one or more of your parents at birth. Optional: throw a random letter or two in front of it.

You make many good points, but depressingly, there actually is a (completely insane) gay subculture called "bug chasers" who actively try to get infected with HIV. I've actually met a few of them and their view is that it's "inevitable" that they will get HIV and chose to get infected to stop themselves from having

Don't we all rebel against what our parents stand for? I assumed that any children spawned by those monsters would either be dangerously insane or relatively cool.

Yeah, you can do that in most places. The article is actually showing us how to display a different number than the one we're calling from, not how to block caller ID info. For example, if i hit *67 (212-555-1234), the person receiving the call at (555-1234) will see "anonymous caller", but if i use a spoofing

Best idea for a porn movie ever: Man on Man on the Moon.

You totally can. Little known fact, the people Gomorrah were actually destroyed for giving hugs that were just a little bit too long and made everyone feel awkward. And they gave really sweaty handshakes as well. It just kinda gave God the heebie-jeebies.

Oh, there's a million things that can fuck up a vampire's day if you were to add up all the different stories... What follows is a list of random vampire rules that exist in at least one famous "traditional" (ie, before about 1940) story. There's a ton more of these "rules," this is just what I came up with off the

The Count (Count Von Count) is a vampire. He's got fangs, turns into a bat, has a compulsion to count objects (a frequent trait in older vampire stories; traditionally, a good way to escape vampires was to throw grains of rice around the room and the vampire had to compulsively count them before he could do anything

I make the consistent argument that Episode I is the best of the prequels. It's the only one that people bother to quote, and quotability is huge for the Star Wars movies. That being said, being the best turd in the toilet still only gives you a really nice turd.

I'm really not sure who looks crazier in that picture, Michele or Marcus. I suggest massive doses of Thorazine for both of them, just in case.

I've spent a fair amount of time pondering that quote. The only way I can parse it out in my head so that it makes sense is that she equates homosexuality to an hard-to-kick addiction to something harmful. I think the way that she meant that to be interperted is the idea of bondage that you can't escape on your own

And may I further add, "Please feel free to stay on my lawn for as long as you please, you young whipper-snappers!"