
I too suffer from an anxiety disorder. From what I can tell, it doesn't sound like this was tested as an anti-anxiety treatment, more for like treating a "broken heart." From what the article describes, the pain-killer was only tested to reduce the pain of a past failed social interaction, I doubt it would do a

It's hard to get the spunk-monkey of your back. Time to whack, Jack.

Meh, if you can't manage to have more fun than the actors are doing a poor job of pretending to have, you're probably doing something wrong.

The dog is in fact a sex worker. All I'm sayin' is bitch better have my money. (You have no idea how long I've waited for a straight-line that perfect.)

"Scarlet woman" or "Lady of the Night." Or, uh, "Jezebel", I suppose. ;D

I think (based on this rather vague article) that there are really 3 factors: A. Mommies hated it. B. It was limited time anyway. C. Some stores refused to carry it. My understanding is that it's not being recalled per se, but that chains that don't want to sell it can now return it with no penalty.

I can save you the time: eighty-three year olds are old. No need to have him verify that fact for you.

You should totally forward @Ashleypants' petition. Not only can we put a stop to the abusive practice of Bonzai Kittens, but Bill Gates will personally give you 25 cents for every person you forward the petition to!

I can totally imagine "1.2 babies," and it's actually kinda gross. I've got two different ideas in my head now: two different 60% babies sitting next to each other, and one conjoined twin with an extra .2 babies worth of spare body parts.

It's a shame you wouldn't have enjoyed the flavor of their balls because of some rum. Sadly, Schweddy balls weren't going to be around for long anyway as they were a limited time product.

I don't think anyone is going to be paying much for stale, frozen, Schweddy balls in the future. I certainly wouldn't be interested in putting second hand Schweddy balls in my mouth.

Have you tried holding their Schweddy balls in your hands? I realize they might be a bit sticky afterwords, but sometimes just grasping the Schweddy balls gently can be relaxing. Personally, I'd rather have Chef's famous "Salty Chocolate Balls" in my mouth, so I suppose I can see where you're coming from.

Is DoodlePhysics a port of CrayonPhysics for PC? The graphic displayed here makes them look pretty much identical.

There we go. This isn't presented in a particularly scientific manner. [youtu.be] I also found a Wikipedia article that includes some more detailed information (and casts a lot of doubt on whether the thing actually works at all.) [en.wikipedia.org]

If I'm correctly recalling the study that involved "sensing a presence" from electromagnatism, the procedure required pretty intense stimulation to a small portion of the brain that made people hallucinate a presence being nearby. They were detecting things that weren't actually there. I know I saw a video about

There's already several characters with that basic shtick. Count Vertigo is probably the closest, and that's exactly how he ends up losing pretty much every fight. DC has occasionally done similar things with Captain Atom, Dr Light (the Asian lady who was around immediately post-crisis), and at least a couple of the

They've actually done several "Magneto messes up your brain" stories. Usually they justify it with "he's moving the iron in your blood," but once or twice he's induced seizures, caused hallucinations or the like simply with the energy he controls. This ability almost always goes away after an issue or two because it

Are you completely incapable of singing? I'm assuming you just sing badly.

There's not a lot of people who are pro-abortion, but I'd be willing to bet that there's a bunch of "sustainable population" pragmatists who would self-classify that way. Also, for a pretty long stretch of time, the Chinese government has been pro-abortion.

That was my first thought too. Between 4chan and Reddit, there's a fair percentage of the English speaking morons gathered into small areas.