
A lot of that is due to the skin that companies put on their version of android. I'd put HTC's "Sense UI" up against Apple any day of the week. Google's "Vanilla" is fairly ugly though, I'll give you that much.

Seriously. Alexey Pajitnov, the guy who made Tetris, is notoriously sue-happy when his trademark is violated. (Legitimately so - I'm not implying the guy is a trademark troll, just aggressive in enforcing it)

My guess is is that it was put in place to discourage tiny comments with nothing much to say. Unfortunately, some of the funniest jokes replies I've seen today (obviously not in this thread) were too short to reply to. So, yay to the demise of tiny stupid posts, but boo for denying that "brevity is the sould of wit."

"procedure looked like an unfortunate but unavoidable." This phrase makes no sense at all. Clearly needs a correction of some kind. My guess is to delete "like an," but it's an indirect quote, so change as you see fit. Could also work if changed to "an unfortunate but unavoidable one."

I think he may be a canine form of the influenza virus, known as K9-N1.

But... but... I thought bow ties were cool now? (In case of inevitable image fail: [en.wikipedia.org])

There's mentally ill and then there's "head rotating 360 degrees while using telekinesis." I'm all for treating the mentally ill with compassion, but I'm also pretty much in favor of shooting people who skitter spider-like on the ceiling chanting in reverse-Latin. Since I don't believe in the supernatural, my gut

It looks to me like they're only doing that approach for part of the movie. Most of the preview looked like standard theatrical filmwork, only the "flash back" scenes appeared to be in the "found footage" style. There were certainly some "found footage" effects edited into the trailer, but they seem incongruous with

Not to mention the "instant dial tone" that exists in film the moment someone disconnects.

Agreed. I found this track to be quite unsettling. I was raised on a steady diet of classical and classic rock and matured into electronica... things with unpredictable rhythms are just wrong.

The video is *about* the song. The link to Soundcloud in the last paragraph is the actual song.

Lol! I was just thinking of the "tomatoes*" article last night and hadn't found an excuse to reference it yet. Kudos!

My family had a particularly bad day when my little sister was about 7. At that age, my sister was really into gymnastics and would spend every free moment possible doing cartwheels and such. Unfortunately, she was also not very good at any of these tasks, thus leading to the day where my sister made me watch as she

In the middle of the room with either tape or white paint like every bad sitcom ever? That would have been awesome!

Combining caffeine and penises? I think Folger's had it right: "The best part of waking up..."

Luthor is indeed the correct spelling. That's not even a particularly nerdy thing to know, IMHO.

It's an energy "shot!" Geddit?

A movie series that makes a hojillion dollars on a shoestring budget? That's Hollywood gold! They'll keep making that crap until it becomes a losing proposition to pay the distribution costs.

That's adorable that you think using logic and humanity against these people will be the least bit effective. Unfortunately, crazy zealotry beats logic every time.

I've always been a fan of the DC/Marvel crossover where Punisher shows up in Gotham, is about to shoot Joker and Bats jumps in to save Joker. Punisher gets all indignant and hits Bats who replies "I let you have that one, don't try it again." Being an ass, Frank tries it again and Bruce wipes the floor with him.