
If they change the trick that was originally used against the Flash, I will be a sad panda. That sequence is my all time favorite "how to doom a super hero" bits.

Bane's been in America for a while now. Perhaps he's invested in a voice coach? An evil voice coach!

Chillin' like a villain? And while I'm pretty sure @Crosis101 is correct, I agree with you: That looked an awful lot like Sebastian Shaw.

reply to those promo texts with the word "stop" - I haven't gotten a single one of those things since a friend gave me this advice.

Pretty sure this should read either "an ammunition factory" or "a munitions factory."

That would be redundant. Apple doesn't make any products with tires on them.

STOP! Hammerfilms time!

Personally, I'd throw in one more pop culture reference and make it a Loki-based cereal add to make it "Loco for Loki Puffs"

Actually, they all have portable holo-projectors filled with images of cute kittens, running puppies and relaxing waterfalls. The only really bad decision is that they decided to shape the projectors like machine guns.

Sorry, I beg to differ. There's no way something this quality couldn't be rendered offsite and bounced back to the user. From what I understand, it's not even a particularly processor heavy application on PC, so fast smart phone might even be able to handle a port of it. [youtu.be] (double linked just in case the

I was wondering that too. My assumption is "iPod" reminds them of "pod bay?"

Which is exactly why we need to find a way to make them contagious! Mwahahahaha!

I know exactly how you feel. I have pretty much the same issue. I find it's much worse when drinking beer with a high hops content, which i why i tend to make my own "low hops" version of typical beer styles.

I've had 2-hour hiccups probably a few dozen times - I tend to get them when I've been drinking. I once had hiccups that lasted for about 7 hours; by the end, i was sometimes bringing up small bits of blood from acid acid reflux eating through my esophagus. I was fortunate that it stopped at that point because I was

I think he'd respond by throwing stun grenades at all the protestors, shooting the jaywalkers, blowing up most of the cop cars and at least a few buildings. As far as I can tell, the Punisher would probably use at least one or more of those options if someone sneezed too loudly.

Lol, I was worried about making that post. I was being facetious, and meant pretty much none of that. While I am male, I do not ascribe to any of that "macho bullshit" mentality and tend to find "bros" to be one of the lower forms of the species. I'm a secular humanist, which in my opinion includes feminist views

Ah, but thanks to that systematic oppression, your friend can just chalk up any argument you make to "bitches be crazy, yo" and move on with his day, confident in a sound moral victory on behalf of dudes everywhere. Such is the awesome power of male privilege. GO TEAM PENIS!

The punchline is several scenes later, at least 5 minutes according to my memory.

Ah, okay. I thought you were implying that I didn't understand HoneySmack's post. I apologize for my harsh reply in that case.

There's an "I'm not allowed to answer that question" reply built into the software. I wouldn't be shocked if that were the answer, assuming that Siri can even handle a question like that in the first place.