
Blah! The thing is I don't agree with you. We have no idea if the guard is an expert on photography laws or genuinely believes that taking pictures of a building merits a death sentence. We know the police officer thinks it might violate a law, that's it. The article isn't clear at all as to why the police were

Kind of? The problem is that nobody was breaking a law as far as I can tell, and the only person in the article mentioned as referring to a law was a police officer. Additionally, I'm only really familiar with the laws in the UK from the perspective of an American who is reasonably familiar with the laws of criminal

I'm not sure if you're joking here. If so, please ignore this post.

Honestly this sounds more like a case of your sense of taste being poorly developed. With true synesthesia, the mechanical aspects of the senses are more or less normal, they're just processed in a different way. Just to make things easier to describe, I'm going to stick with my visual metaphor instead of your

The guard was well within the law to tell the patrons to stop taking photographs. He only crossed the line when he asked them to delete the photos. His only real legal recourse would have been to ask them to leave. Malls are pretty much always private property and as such, the owners can put any stupid rules they

Unfortunately, a mall is not a public place. Malls are almost always private property and as such, if you disagree with the policies set in place by the property owners, you can pretty much gtfo. The interesting part here is while the mall owners could almost certainly have you removed from the property (or even

A very well spoken post, but I think you're boiling down a boiled down statement. I think the truer way to sum up the anti-choice movement is to say that they believe that babies are more important than women. This statement is really hard to refute when describing the "not in any circumstances" people. Taking it

My ex-wife occasionally referred to me as her "incumbent husband" while we were engaged. Close enough for government work, I suppose. (Pun most definitely intended.)

Nope. The chart supersedes reality. Your friends must either start being either nice or straight.

You're in luck! As this chart clearly indicates, to qualify as a nerd, a guy must be nice!

Most of the Indians I know (at least a couple dozen, mostly Chippewa and Huron) are actively annoyed by the politically correct labels they get. Using only the terms you mentioned, the general trend amongst my friends is to prefer being called "Indians" over "American Indian" and tend to loathe being called "Native

Is it a fool proof technique? No. Is it safer? Probably. Does it make for stupid looking stories? Definitely.

I'm pretty sure the only reason the fun and games stop when someone gets killed is chess, darts, poker and basketball just aren't very fun versus a corpse. I've heard that corpses rule at freeze-tag though.

I usually get that feeling after watching "Return of the Jedi."

On a related note, CrazyEyedLadyBus is a fantastic name for an all-female punk band.

Uh, yes? That show is clearly based on this creepy-ass technology that got a lot of publicity a few years ago.

I can see that for situations where the person was at fault, but what about when something terrible happens to you that you had no control over? A rape, assault, terrifying natural disaster or something along those lines?

The source image for that GIF was filmed from the international space station. That critter is actually 37 miles wide and visible from space.

Sorry, but you're incorrect. OSS, in this context, refers to Open Source Software, and was used correctly.

I haven't watched the film yet, but the article was pretty clear that it STARTS at the Great Purge (the end of the Clone Wars) and then skips ahead to 1BBY.