
While I was living in Japan, I went to a haunted house with some friends and the first 95% of it was super lame and boring. The second to last room though, part of the room was set up as a distraction. It was so clear that something was "supposed to happen" on the left side, that when a guy jumped out of a darkened

Uh, yes. That's also a definition. In my experience, when used in a negative sense, the word "hooking" often means "acting as a prostitute."

I don't think spray-tan is a valid source of vitamin D. Besides, I'm pretty sure there would be all sorts of nasty side effects from using Snooki as a vitamin source. I really don't need a case of every STD known to man so severe that even my (potential) crabs would develop their own cases of super-herpes.

I usually use that for an iron supplement. It's not particularly high in vitamin D.

Conversely, it's amazing how well nutritionists do in the presence of white people.

The heavy-salmon diet is also great if you're also deficient in your mercury levels...

So it cured you of being a half-british shut-in? Man, I need me some of those gummies!

The chemicals in weed that get you high (THC and a bunch of different canabinoids) are actually quite soluble in alcohol. It's a pretty well known trick among stoners to put some weed into high-proof beverages (Everclear or vodka are popular choices) to infuse it with the chemicals from the marijuana. There are also

Yes, but what if the "victim" isn't the one suing? Following my hypothetical, let's say the alleged victim of a crime lies about the whole thing. When that fact is uncovered, the "victim" isn't going to sue, it's the person who was initially accused, as they are now a victim of a fraud. When it comes to reporting

"Hooking" and "playing hookey" are very different concepts. Just a heads up.

I've got to disagree with you. The use of "alleged" is in place because if they fail to use it and it turns out that the "victim" is lying (NOTE: I do not think this is actually the case! Please to not murder me for a hypothetical statement!) it may open the journalist to a lawsuit. I totally agree it's a weasely

Unlike @VisforVanity, I would not cover for you... I might compete with you for points though.

I don't suppose there's a gas station nearby? Or perhaps a company that rents wrecking balls?

What is that you saaaaaaayyyyy!?

He can't dodge cars! Cast him out!

How exactly did you think Tim the Enchanter and King Arthur got from his home to the Rabbit of Caerbannog? Tim travel, of course.

I completely agree with you on all those points. Powergirl is far more intelligent than many people (real or in the DCU) give her credit for being. What I was trying to express is that the physics of the costume are largely irrelevant and it is one of the tools she uses to make people underestimate her. I did not

Still confused by Primer? Have you watched it twice? If the answer to both of these questions is "yes," you may not actually be a geek.

I have the same problem with either of the Jason Bourne sequels. I fully admit this is odd, given that both of them are noisy action movies, but I just can't stay awake during them, even when I got dragged to the cineplex to watch them.

Usher to Usher: Victory!