
Yeah, that was pretty much my first thought. I've seen this in nearly every "how to start a fire if you don't have matches" article I've read. I suppose this is primarily a geek-based site and we are a breed not particularly well known for our out-doors skill set, but still.

Agreed. The book is not for everyone. I loved it, but most of my friends were not impressed. (I admitidly have a perverse love of things that are metatextual comentaries.)

I think it's that whole "he never existed" thing. If you don't talk about or acknowledge the the death of someone, then it's clearly not bothering you, right? Uh. Right? Guys?

It's probably stupidly picky of me, but the phrase is "bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay "

Actually, I was specifically disagreeing with your claim that "Human hearing tops out at approximately 20,000hz." Your statement, by your own admission is off by about 25%. As for the matter of speaker fidelity, I don't think I've ever bought a pair of headphones that couldn't hit 22khz (yes, many headphones can't

Powergirl has an excuse that makes sense in continuity. Wonder Woman, on the other hand, really doesn't have one. It's been pretty clearly established that Kryptonians have a very small "aura of protection" that stretches out at least as far as a layer of clothing. This is the reason that Super Girl, Power Girl and

In She-Hulk's defense, her primary job isn't even being a super hero any more. She's a super model and a lawyer. Yes, she beats people up, but half the time they're her idiot clients.

Pretty much every modern oil company is evil. So are the electric companies. You don't really have any options unless you grow and consume your own organic veggies and meat and walk everywhere. If you're a consumer, you pretty much have to face the fact that somewhere in your supply chain is a company that either

It's hidden on top of the bell and whistle noises throughout the commercial. If you turn up the volume and listen specifically at the END of each of those noises, you'll probably be able to spot it. Think of it like one really high note in the middle of an orchestra.

As I've been pointing out in other threads, this effect is actually quite audible to people with slightly above-average high frequency hearing. It's honestly not even that high pitched. There's a kind of unpleasent squeeling noise that tops off each of the "ding" and "squeek" sound effects throughout the commercial.

Sorry mate, gotta disagree on this one. I've been tested to reliably hear up into the 25khz range. I don't have the software to analyze the clips from that commercial, but there's a fairly high-pitched sound that tops off all of the "dings" and "squeeks" in that commercial that I found rather unpleasant. It's not

I'm a cook and a brewer, but not a baker. Everybody I know who brews thinks it's really odd that I can't stand baking. "Brewing is like baking, but with more water," they insist. I don't know why it is that I can't get a cake to turn out right or make a pie crust to save my life, but I can whip up an oatmeal stout

That's really not that impressive - they simply layered fairly high frequency sounds over the top of those "ding" and "whee" noises. I've got really good high-frequency hearing for an adult male, and I found listening to this commercial almost physically painful. I don't have the software handy to check the

Yes. Image fail on my part. I was trying to post a picture of the Doctor standing by Melody's crib.

That's pretty generous! Unicorn meat's not cheap.

Don't worry, I know a guy who speaks baby.

As a wise man once said, "Haters be hatin'"

I am shocked to learn that the Saudi government has confusing double standards. It seems so out of character for them. ;-D

I'm kind of disapointed by this development. I was starting to dig the idea the further adventures of Fashion Psychic, Professor C and his... wait for it... C-Men. He could tutor his team of mutant fashionistas:

For a good chunk of time, I flew internationally on a regular basis. I have nothing good to say about my TSA experiences and I have nothing particularly bad about my TSA experiences. Of course, I make a point to wear "business armor" when I fly - I shave and wear a suit if at all possible, so they may be a bit more