
The few hackers I know IRL are all very careful with the words they use. My guess, from the very tight phrasing of his reply, Clear is probably involved in the project in some way, even if only as a consultant. I'd be very surprised if he doesn't at least know Satoshi's true identity. If I had to put money on it,

Horse hockey. I used to teach elementary school, and while there was a strong civil right focus to the curriculum, by the end of 1st grade, most of the kids could explain how the African slave trade came about, and how it came to an end. They weren't subjected to many details of slavery until a few years later, but

It's a newish term. The first time I heard it was maybe 3 years ago, but I was also working in Special Education in a very poor area and had spent the summer working at a food bank. Even given that much exposure, I've still only seen the term used maybe a dozen times. I was told that it's most often used in

I am by no means an expert on such matters, but my understanding is that it's not so much "photographs" but "images" that are forbidden. It probably comes down to how it's officially interpreted, but my guess is that pretty much no visual representation will be allowed in public spaces.

Before we broke up, my ex-wife and I had agreed that when we had kids I would be a stay at home dad for at least a few years (fortunately, things fell apart before kids could actually enter the equation). She's much more career-minded than I ever was, plus it frankly sounded awesome to me. I loved the idea of always

Ahh, I took your comment to mean exactly the opposite. I thought you were implying he should have tossed their salads, which just confused the heck out of me. "We're here to search your house, sir" "No thanks, but could you drop trow before heading back to the station? I'm feeling a little bored at the moment."

Out of respect for Matt's privacy (and certainly not because there's a judicial gag-order against me), I shall not elaborate on exactly how this information has come into my possession. It probably has nothing to do with a certain video tape of a wizard's duel between his left ball and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and

Ah, I honestly can't figure out who the guy was. He doesn't appear to be listed on the Fox 2 website as a "personality." I think he was filling in for Huel Perkins because he was sitting next to that Monica lady. He's just some chubby, middle aged blonde guy with a really huge comb-over - I don't recognize him at

Nothing. It's a perfectly normal right ball. But that left one? Merlin ain't got nothin' on Matt's left ball.

This is the exact reason why not. Don't give up any right without a good reason. (That's not to say you need to exercise all your rights, just don't waive them simply because someone asks you to. I have a right to own a gun, but have no interest in doing so at this point.)

Hmm... My first post doesn't seem to be working correctly, so at the risk of a double post, here's a re-link to the video I was trying to embed. [youtu.be]

Wait, are you implying that he should have offered them a tossed salad or a tossed salad? Either way, I'm not particularly amenable to being particularly courteous towards people who want to dig through my sock drawer.

If you read the article closely, Giz doesn't actually encourage illegal activity at all. They merely state that they think it's pretty likely that it will happen in the near future. It's not like the author said "Lulzsec should attack these jerks" or even "Wouldn't it be a shame if their servers got hacked so hard

It actually uses its ability to detect reflections to see if you're wearing a shiny black-leather bodysuit before it makes recommendations on pr0n. The motion sensors can spot a riding crop at 30 paces and the spatial recognition suite should have no problem spotting your fur suit(s). From what I've read though, it

Actually, nanotubes are better known for making threatening comments about how it would be a shame if your grandmother were to end up in the gulag if you don't cooperate with their inquiry. The article was a little misleading on this point. Graphene, on the other hand, will straight up firebomb your house while

In the words of a man far wiser than I, "Haters be hatin'!" Fanboys are genetically programmed to spew vile hate filled bile about crap that doesn't matter to anyone else.

This is nothing new. Back in my teacher-ed days (an entire decade ago), multiple professors recommended this trick. However, it rarely works well unless all the desks are front facing, which we were specifically instructed was "overly authoritarian." Moral of the story? Teacher-ed is one of the most mind numbing

I'm willing to bet that not may of them use the food-tray slot in a prison cell as a glory hole. I think they probably go for the more traditional "round hole cut into the wall of a bathroom stall." Of course, they are senators; there's not much i'd put past them.

The article itself paraphrases the insane quote, "It's tough to kick a field goal in high heels!"

Not shocked at all that the FOX 2 announcer said something obnoxious. That station is horrible, and always has been.