
It doesn't say anywhere in the the rules that a Giraffe can't play football!

Thanks for the recommendation, but I've already seen it several times. For anybody following up on this thread, TheUnicornQueen is correct - it's excellent and highly worth your time. Fair warning though, it's kind depressing also. The reason I didn't list it in any of my prior posts was that male-focused aspect of

It looked like at least 2-3 women to me, but even still... Count me in, with or without pants!

Yeah, that's probably more the case in America than Japan. The client who insisted that I join him at the host club was definitely not a "really rich VIP."

I dunno about you, but I wouldn't be willing to stick my junk through a metal hole that can be slammed shut with no warning. Especially when the other side of that hole is occupied by a prisoner who needed to be put into solitary confinement. That's just asking for trouble.

Lol, sorry. I was kind of nerd-raging at people over this one. I probably should have realized that on my own.

I would assume so? I don't actually know anything about Vegas hostess clubs. I'm honestly kind of surprised that the idea hasn't spread to America much more widely than it has. The only reason I made my original post is that the idea is not particularly widely known in America and about 90% of the other threads

I suppose they're a little bit similar. But I would be shocked if a Hooter's waitress was willing to sit at a customer's table chatting for four or five hours while on the job.

I was actually going to make a reference to that show, but decided it was far to obscure.

The employer's disturbingly poor grasp of the female anatomy aside, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what his business is: a hostess bar. The reason he's saying all the things it's not is that hostess bars more or less don't exist in America, so describing one in a craigslist posting is not hugely to his advantage.

I agree with "10 at the latest." As a colossal nerd, I wasn't involved in the conversations about who was having sex in 5th or 6th grade, but I knew for sure that some of my classmates were by the start of 7th (which means they probably started at least a year or two before that information made it to me). Much more

That wouldn't be exactly solitary any more, now would it?

Oh, i realize it's completely possible to freeze hard liquor. I just don't have the capability in my home. Liquid nitrogen has a million and one fun uses, but isn't exactly easy to keep in a suburban kitchen. Honestly, you can freeze hard liquor without resorting to measures quite that intense - you'd only need to

Ah! There's actually a really cool museum near where I live called "The Hands On Museum" whose primary focus is getting kids interested in science by letting them touch pretty much everything there. Marvelous place, for exactly that reason - touching the tortise shell, dinosaur bone, toaster-powered hot air balloon

Solitary confinement.

Thank you for saving me the time of typing pretty much exactly what you just posted. Those solutions both popped into my head the moment I saw the title of this article. It's kind of sad that the author of this article has such a poor grasp of physics and is still allowed to post it here.

Or just use a sleeping bag affixed to a wall? Or use a small enough room that you can just use the walls for leverage? Or tie a rope around eachother's torsos? Or any of about a dozen other ideas I've come up with since i started reading this article five minutes ago?

"I could maybe see the value of freezing trays of Jack Daniels straws for a house party"

Depressingly, the reason behind this is pretty much exactly why every attempt at collective idealism on a large scale has failed. It only takes a few assholes anywhere in the system to exploit the people who aren't being assholes. There will always be people who want more than they need and who take more than they

I have not seen this film, but from reading the script, I'm willing to bet it's not Africa the continent. Unless the screen writer has an impressively poor grasp of grammar, "the Africa" stands out a bit in the sentence. Was there a boat called Africa in the film? That would at least make grammatical sense.