
I don't know if i can combine "looks good" and "can play football" into one first lady, but I can easily name one for each: Jackie Kennedy not only looked good while she was first lady, but managed to still look great until shortly before her death 30 years later. As for football, I'm willing to bet that Eleanor

I do! I've got dozens of them in my... Uh, ya know what? Never mind. Pretend I never said that.

As I was saying to Thunderdomesticity, I once had a very similar opportunity. Due to language barrier and the fact that it was like 5 years ago, I can't recall the details precisely, but the actual petting? Super memorable. The cat's hair was more bristly than I expected and quite oily. I would estimate he weighed

A few years ago, while living in Japan, I too had the opportunity to pet a big cat cub. I can't remember exactly what species it was, but it was mostly white. Snow leopard? Anyway, yeah, it was super cool. More people should have a chance to do exactly that.

The only thing more delicious than a normal picnic? Tiger Picnic!

While I can't speak for the exclusively-hetero male crowd, as a "straight-ish" man, I've got to say, I've got a definite preference towards taller women. I wouldn't rule someone out based on height (in fact, I actually dated a dwarf for a while), but all other attributes being roughly equal, I'd rather date a lady

I'm just a hair under 6'4" on the rare occasion I actually stand up straight. That's usually enough to make me the tallest person in the room. I can say with some confidence that your assessment is correct: it freaks me right out when I deal with people who are taller than me.

Some times it takes a while to get those images to pop. I immediately went to the LotR joke in my head, so your SF joke was a nice surprise. Kudos!

I'm super light sensitive. I'd probably be willing to pay extra for a place with good ventilation but no windows. Or at least very few windows.

I think a good chunk of the problem is that it's a horrible job to have. Would you want to work in a place where you get accused of violating people's civil rights a few times an hour? The pay is poor, the position is useless, the "customers" don't want to have to encounter you at all. As much as I loathe the TSA,

If there's one thing I've learned about human sexuality, it's to never underestimate the ability of people to be aroused by damn near anything. Rule 34 exists for a reason.

It's a delicate issue for the the right wing. On the one hand, gays are totally evil and gay marriage will cause "real families" to spontaneously combust. On the other hand, anyone not supporting the troops is probably part of al Qaeda. Gays are always evil and troops are always good, therefore when encountering act

Nah, I'm past the point of ever needing to read the first 3 books ever again. I know them pretty much by rote. The reason it's depressing is that I have a hard time spelling all sorts of normal words like "character" and "refrigerator", but managed to spare enough brain cells to wedge in the correct spelling of

I love that she is certain that there is a line in the sand that you do not cross with anthropomorphic taxidermy. The fact that this line is apparently "air guitar" makes it twice as awesome.

Zaphod Beeblebrox initially declined to comment, but was later quoted as saying "It wasn't my fault, man."

I would totally buy that line of reasoning, CaptainJack, if it were not for the fact that the entire logic of banning men who have sexual contact with other men is the increased risk of HIV. The thing about that is all blood samples are tested for HIV as part of the screening process, regardless of sexual or medical

Actually, there is a good reason for the snacks and drinks. The snacks and drinks are pretty much universally high in sugar, which your body needs in order to recover from losing a significant amount of blood. Also, due to the sudden loss of blood sugar, many people get dizzy and/or light-headed, which can be almost

The rule is actually far more obnoxious than just gays. If i recall the exact phrasing correctly, ithe rule-out question is "Are you a man who has had sexual contact with another man since 1977." Personally, I'm bi, but not particularly active with either gender. It has literally been years since I've had "sexual

Honestly? I noticed the excessive use of "whom" first. Commas second.

Wow. I am shocked and appalled at this development. Thank goodness one of the largest internet providers in the Northeast United States is here to protect us from these confusing rules. I am often confused by rules that have absolutely nothing to do with me personally; The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, land management