
Cosmo, perhaps you're right on that point. My guess as to why he could be released was that his capture depended on "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree." The idea is that law enforcement agents can't do something illegal to obtain evidence. I'm not sure if the doctrine extends beyond obtaining evidence - it may in fact be

Because replacing homophobia with nationalistic xenophobia is totally worth a star, right?

But people don't always fear what they dislike. "All dogs are mammals, not all mammals are dogs."

Oh, no doubt. Ethics aside, the Stingray is totally awesome. However, I can't see a situation where any US agency could possibly have a legitimate use for it on American soil without a warrant. What I see happening with this is an extremely exploitable method to track people with no oversight whatsoever. In my

I'm willing to bet that's what the prosecutor tries. In any jury trial this day and age, the jurors expect to be wowed by technical facts (even if they have no chance of comprehending those facts. It's called the "CSI effect" and it's a real thing. The defense will have a field day with the fact that "the

That's actually a fairly cool (although fairly predictable) move on the part of Rigmaiden's lawyer. If the government hands over the data, hackers win in the long run. If they don't hand over the data, Rigmaiden very likely goes free. Perhaps the government's argument of "we used a magic box that we won't explain

Whips out an accordion and sings, "This is where the party ends, I can't stand here listening to you and your racist friend. I know politics bore you, but i feel like a hypocrite talking to you... You and your racist friend."

Well, that would certainly explain quite a bit.

Hit it with flash-bangs at random intervals, followed by spending time with grump toddlers.

Aside from the crazy kaleidoscope effects, I can attest to the fact that big cities in Japan look remarkably like that while suffering from a severe concussion. Given Japan's slightly intense view on drugs, I am unable to confirm Casey's original hypothesis.

I'm as much for bashing Michelle "Crazier than a sack full of electric weasels" Bachman as the next Jez poster, but bland one-liners photoshopped onto generic amazon pages is not a particularly impressive comedic feat.

My ex-wife has a similarly placed tattoo (although, nowhere near as cool). In her case, the tattoo is only visible in a bathing suit if she sits in a particularly immodest position. The bathing suit covers some of it up but the natural shape of her body does most of the work in most standing or sitting positions.

When I was a kid, I found the Narnia books rather frightening. The idea of being kidnapped into a land where lions force me to fight a war for them against an immensely powerful witch, while offering me no training whatsoever on how to fight said war was not an appealing option. As I got older and could make more

The worst critter bite I've ever gotten was from a swan. The second scariest animal I've encountered in the wild was an angry turkey. I'm totally with you on the "birds can be evil" logic. (BTW, the scariest animal I've ever encountered? Moose. Not even a competition. Moose > the 8' hammerhead shark that swam

Yes. Unfortunately that farm is run by kids in Mongolia. You know, just some youth in Asia.

I'm not entirely sure I could manage to urinate on such a fine piece of artwork. The erection is a nice touch though. Not creepy or insane at all.

Ah, sorry Ayleron. I have clearly misinterpreted your post. I thought you were implying that hate crimes of that sort only occur in places like Nigeria. I took "stupidity in the US is somewhat harmless" to mean that you don't believe that type of thing doesn't happen here. If that's not the case, then please

Are you implying that the Strategic Defense Initiative (AKA "the star wars program") was anything less than vital to protecting American interests? Or that the war in Afghanistan has been anything but a highly planned out success? I dub thee UNAMERICAN! (On a more sane note, you're totally right. It costs the DoD

It's called "Another Style" and is by Russian pianist Vladimir Sterzer

Don't be silly. Nobody believes that HPV causes mental retardation. It's clearly caused by the vaccine. How gullible do you think we are? {rolls eyes}