
Uh, yeah. Because hate crimes against gays are totally unheard of in America, right? Oh, and in case you forgot, according to crazy preachers nation wide, us queers caused 9/11, Katrina, and every other terrible thing to happen in the last decade or so. (I'll admit it, I may have been partially responsible for

B5 gates are specifically described in continuity as being of the wildly improbable "higher dimension" variety. While B5 gets credit for great space-flight physics, the jump-gates are pretty much powered by handwavium.

The suit keeps said bits supported enough that they don't... err... Sorry, ran out of quality euphemisms. Think about scissor kicks while swimming and the effect the water's friction can have on certain dangly bits' positioning. With this image playing out in your mind's eye, carefully edit the soundtrack to be

As a man, I am wildly opposed to swimming naked. My objection is more of a physical practicallity than a moral one. I have a painful tendency to squash my dangly bits in low-buoyancy settings and it is very counterproductive to cry in the fetal position while attempting to swim.

I find showing so many boobs at once offensive! Clearly they should be covered up with something. Hopefully something air tight and inescapable.

So, abandoned beaches? (Everyone's a bit of a perv in someone else's eyes.)

Yah, my folks got stuck on a runway in Dallas for like 3 hours because Bush was landing near the time they were taking off a few years ago. This is not anything new.

I'm sorry, Homerjay, were you saying something?

I feel kind of bad for NYPD this weekend. There's not much they can do that isn't going to make them look stupid. If they go overboard on security and nothing happens, it will be a "terrible waste of taxpayer money." But if anything bad happens this weekend, they will look absolutely idiotic. Perhaps their only

An orgy in the library would likely be frowned upon. Unless they're the sexy librarians I hear so much about.

Once he's on that remote island, can we try to get Leonardo Decaprio to portray him?

Not to be overly nitpicky, but the body of the article makes several references to "Korea" when "South Korea" would be more accurate. Those terms are not interchangeable.

That, of course, runs on the assumption that bigots fall back to logic when they're not sure if they should hate something.

Yeah, wow. You weren't kidding about "disturbing." That may be the creepiest thing I have ever seen.

There's another aspect to the "things get worse after vaccinations" argument that many people tend to ignore. Autism is partly a developmental disorder. Certain aspects of the disorder tend to become obvious at specific developmental stages. The problem is that vaccinations are also given in stages. If, for

And by further extension, may I add, "Get off my lawn!"

Wow. It's almost as if you caught his obvious pop-culture reference.

Most famous? Sure. Most phallic? Not even close.

I've always assumed it had something to do with the idea that the upper class were called "blue-blooded." If having blue blood makes you inherently posh, perhaps red blood means you are inherently working class.

Celebrities are not just special, but they are clearly better humans than the rest of us mere mortals. Bow down now before you are smote!