
@Markus Darkus: Not everybody has our excellent taste in movies.

Well, this is CoS that we're talking about here. No need to sue over something relevant. They might sue on grounds of discrimination, copyright infringement, or perhaps hair color. Or perhaps all three.

Raise "First Amendment" shields! Ready affirmative defenses! All hands, prepare for claims of copyright infringement and religious persecution! Once more into the (copyright) breach!

So, women should still continue to purchase things from Sony?

@Frizzaldo...: log in. close the video window. never see the video again. rejoice.

@pixelsnader: That's no moon... It's a space station!

@Alexander Riccio: Imagine a scenario where you were giving out plates of nachos to all of your friends. If I politely asked you to stop giving out free nachos, and you stop, I could probably claim "Alexander stopped giving people free nachos!" (Even though, in this case, I'm also the one who asked you to stop.) The

@hostile-17: No. Janeway showing excessive scorn towards our kitchenware.

@Chernobyl: ...And then they applied their vice like grip directly to my left testicle. Of course I agreed to their "compromise!"

@Voldy1: Yes. I grew up a few miles from a state park with a riding area. Horses and carriages on the road actually do get right of way when appropriate. If you get stuck behind one on the road in a no passing zone, you can get a ticket for passing it. (I speak from experience here.)

@The Lab: Ah, the perfect method for training against shielded fighters. Teach me your weirding ways! For Shai Hulud!

@MacTodd: Jedi can wield red sabers. They just usually don't.

@liuping: While we're busy nitpicking, it's called a colostomy bag. Colonoscopy is when they scope your colon.

@Snafu77: Yeah, but I'm not really sure I'd even care if someone hijacked an Amtrak train. "Oh god! He's gonna try and... uh... never mind. It's a train."

@Samo: Definitely #corrections. Although, I would probably use "immersed" instead of "submerged." Either way is okay though.

@Slinkytech: think of it as an algebra problem with Kim and the card both being variables. When you multiply them, the variables become joined into KardashianMasterCard (A*B = AB)! Kids and cash are much more easily separated by subtraction (and drugs) than a Kardashian label is removed from a card.

What does it say if one smokes from a custom made Green Lantern logo pipe? Ya know... Just for the sake of argument?