
Fight off your malaise with Monza!

Dieselgate maybe the scape goat, but bigger picture this is the lifecycle of manufacturer supported sports car racing.

I hope Porsche quits. With no Porsche LMP1 fails. If LMP1 fails WEC has to rethink things. Then maybe we get a return of a class that runs Hypercars like the P1, LaFerrari, 918, Konigsegg, Pagani, etc.

“Well James, he’s driven off a cliff and is now engulfed in flames”

If you like IKEA meatballs:

Kimi Raicocken

Pedro de la Rooster

Now playing

Chicken played a keyboard? No big deal. This rooster sounds like a Formula 1 car.

I can imitate the sounds many modified Civics make with my anus.

It’s late spring and snowflakes are melting down everywhere.

Logan Lucky